Source for spare Gotoh SD90-xxx-MG Tuning Post "Caps"


New Member
Oct 31, 2023

Question as title: I just sprang for a set of Gotoh SD90-xxx-MG locking tuners after going all round the houses about the decision. I preferred rear thumbwheel types but the -MG tuners are well priced and according to web lore they are direct replacements and will fit the bushes in my McCarty 594 SE Standard without needing to remove them.

But a question arose in my mind: "What if I lose the post caps that the strings thread into ?" I can't find replacement sets anywhere and wouldn't want to have to replace a complete tuner when the inevitable happens so does anyone know where I can get replacement tuner post "caps" ? To be clear what part I mean I have attached a pic below with the part arrowed in red:

<Edit:> UK sources preferred.

Many thanks,


My first stop would be an email directly to the source Gotoh.
Thanks for the reply but Gotoh don't deal directly with the public and the company I bought the tuners from is overseas from me so I would rather not incur the shipping costs. I just thought that someone else on these forums might have likely been in the same position before and know the answer.

Thanks again,

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