It's a red sparkle Luke III that I bought from Jesse. We'd been PM-ing a bit about how cool it would be if he could be there when it went down, since he and Sergio are bro's. He's selling a couple of things, and I mentioned that I might be interested in the Luke. We talked on the phone at the end of last week, and I suggested he take the day off to come up from St. Louis, and to bring the Luke. I'd buy it from him, he could hand deliver it, and that would be our excuse as to why he suddenly showed up with me, at Sergio's place. Sergio was really surprised to see him when he opened the door. I explained to Sergio, that I'd bought a guitar from Jesse, and when I told Jesse I was coming over to check out the KL he said he was taking the day off to bring the guitar up and have a surprise visit with his homie.
Worked out great!