Sneakin' Sally through the alley...

Bill SAS 513

Just another old guy in a T-shirt
Aug 30, 2012
Manchester, Maryland
I used to sell these beauties and heard many great stories of "keeping-quiet" additions to the family...
and after Paul's infamous cell phone calls to wives...OY, will he ever learn???
Overheard at Music Store counter...son:"Dad, are we telling mom about this one???" Dad: "what do you think???"
the old "keep empty case in trunk" trick...
"What, this old thing???!!!"...kinda like dresses and shoes, huh???
"It's (insert name of friend she DOESN'T know here)'s and he wants me to hold it for him for a while...Really???!

Now...just change your password so no one sees our secrets...

i love phish's cover(s) of sneakin' sally
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I prefer the Robert Palmer version:

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