It has come to our attention that there is a misunderstanding surrounding the term "sinker" mahogany as we used it to describe our Signature Limited model. When the wood was first brought to our attention Paul commented, "This wood is so dense, it would sink in water," so the nickname "sinker" was given. It was never our intention to mislead folks into believing it was reclaimed wood that had been submersed in water for a period of time. The truth is most of us had never heard this term used before, but we've since learned of the word's other use, and we apologize for the mix up.
PRS tries to be a transparent company. Those of you who are familiar with Paul and the PRS crew know this to be true.
so, let me get this right. Youre in the guitar building industry, have been for over 25 years, and had no knowlege of the meaning of the term "sinker mahogany?" While other manufacturers all know what it means, have tested it to have a bigger tone than regular mahogany, and use it on their guitars.
that is highly unlikely. some of us should feel as though our intelligence has been grossly insulted.
Im not trying to create conflict, or argue, or attack anyone. I'm not asking for my money back, or any other compensation.
It just that I'm pissed, and I'm letting you know it. And bringing in contrived excuses such as this only makes you look smaller.
thank you
^magnificent. How long have you had this guitar? mine used to look like that. now it has swatches of light brown running thru it. Yours seems to have some of that brown in the more shaded pics. I'll send pics soon.
This has been discussed, ad nauseum...
Very cool looking SIG bro !
and damn, you have good taste in pedal boards !
I am also a proud "wood" junky ........
Quit beating around the bush and tell us what you really think.
That's what I'm planning on having for dinner tonight!
Jon Silberman said:PRS has always stood for integrity. Its good name and goodwill are its most valuable assets. Their response so far doesn't make sense to me. If they want this controversy to continue, refusing to change their name for the wood and adjust their marketing materials accordingly is an effective way to do so (though perhaps they already have).
Someone Paul trusts should sit him down and level with him: put your pride and personal feelings aside - you've made a mistake that could haunt your company, employees, and self for a long time to come if you don't fix it quickly. Pull your "explanatory" video with the fidgety body language and excuses. Replace it with a new one in which you apologize "for having unintentionally created confusion," and offer to buy back the so-called sinker wood neck guitars from any original owners who request a refund. Johnson & Johnson dealt with their far far worse Tylenol issues in 1982 and turned lemons into sweet 'aid by focusing on their most valuable asset - their customers' long-term trust and goodwill. Not a bad model.
This statement is pure BS. You attacked me directly without any provocation. After being on several forums for numerous years, I can say that nobody has ever been as rude as you have been. Honestly I'm amazed that you haven't been banned from this site. I could fill you in on some facts that have obviously abated you, but I won't waste my time. I realize that you must feel very powerful hiding behind your keyboard, but it won't last long. Good riddance to you.Im not trying to create conflict, or argue, or attack anyone. I'm not asking for my money back, or any other compensation.
PRS makes such great guitars, its a shame they need to debase thier credibility with such false claims. Paul is squirming around in that vid like a kid that got caught with his hands in the cookie jar.
When i bought my 2 siggys, my wife asked why they cost so much, and what was so special about them. I then explained that the necks were made from 100 year old sinker wood that were recovered from a lake in south america.
She looked at me and said "really? youved been conned, buddy." but i insisted it was true, with my faith in what PRS said, that it was sinker mahogany, an industry standard. That guitar felt like gold in my hands, right at that moment.
Upon finding out that the wood is faux sinker mahongany, I feel sad that Paul lied to us, in turn making me lie to my wife. How can I justify paying full price for something misrepresented in what I had thought I was getting?
Even though the guitar is great, I feel I have been let down by the man himself. I will never again believe any of the claims they put forth about thier product, probably never buy another PRS, and I now view PRS himself in a different character light.
has not responded to my offer.