Silver Sky tone pot / saddle corrosion issues


New Member
May 6, 2022
Hey, all! This is my first post, so bear with me!

I just bought a used Silver Sky (2021, midnight rose, rosewood board, FWIW), and I’ve got a couple of issues:

1) The bridge tone pot post has a lot of wiggle/play in it, and I’m guessing that either during shipping or just during regular use, it was hit somehow and that’s what has caused it to be that way. It still functions, but I’d feel better if I just went ahead and replaced it. I see that PRS has 2 different kinds of tone pots for the SS listed on the accessory store site, one that just says "250k" and another that says "250k w/.1uf". The latter costs $18 (vs. $12) and has some kind of additional resistor soldered to the bottom, so clearly it's different somehow. What is the difference between the 2, and also, am I correct in assuming that both tone pots on the guitar itself are identical (except for the wiring, of course)?

2) I think the guy that I bought the SS from either over humidified his guitar room/storage area or it was just especially damp where he stored/played it, because there is what looks to be surface rust on a few of the saddles. Am I correct in assuming that the saddles are simply just unfinished stamped steel, and in that case, simply using some high grit sandpaper to remove the corrosion from the saddles would be fine? (Being sure to cover all electronics while doing so, of course).

Thanks for any help you can give me!
From what we have been told by PRS the 250k tone pot is the replacement for the bridge and the 250k w/.1uf tone pot is the replacement for the neck.
Thanks for the reply, and I also just got a response from PRS support, which is below if anyone else happens to have the same issues/questions:

Hey Corey,

The two tone pots will both be in the Silver Sky. See the attached diagram for where they will be installed. One will have the cap attached to the pot, whereas the other will have a jumper wire to the cap for tone function.

The saddles are plated using a thinner vintage style of plating called 'electroless plating.' John and Paul found that it provided the best tone for the Silver Sky guitars. I would recommend some metal polish, such as Blue Magic Liquid metal polish to remove corrosion. Then a small layer of carnauba wax or machinists oil can help prevent further rusting of the saddles.

I hope this information finds you well. Please let us know if you have any further questions. Thank you for your continued support of PRS Guitars.
Customer Service & Tech Support
Paul Reed Smith Guitars, Ltd.
380 Log Canoe Circle
Stevensville, MD 21666
