Silver Sky Siting

What the hell was that? Make it stop!!!

I really wish I could un-hear that!
Ugh...GAK...*thbbbT! I’ve stepped in freshly horked-up hairballs less gag-reflex-triggering. (Yes, I know...if you can’t say something nice...but man. It would only be fair to make fun of some of my own work now)
What the hell was that??? And why are they hiding the band?

I remember when country wasn't the fraud that it is now...back in the days when I'd be in the truck with my old man and "All My Exes Live In Texas" would be on the radio. This stuff is nauseating.
Totally agree with everyone's take on the music. I only posted for the SS content!
That sounds exactly like their band name.

Kansas, Chicago, Boston... none of them nailed the sound of the region they were named after as dead-on as this band.
Glad I'm not alone, I thought it was me. The guy on the left should be a rapper, all the same moves, hand motions, etc. and definitely the outfit. At least the guy on the right had a cowboy hat on. And as Drew said, where's the band? Oh well, times have changed...