Folks’ pedalboards are so personal to their needs, and so interesting to check out, so I love this thread! Made a couple of small changes to my board in the past couple of weeks that I thought might be of interest.
I have enough amps that do medium to high gain that I wasn’t using the Iron side of my Pettyjohn Pettydrive 2, but I use the lower gain Chime side a lot. The Chime is sort of in the Vox AC30 direction. It doesn't make an amp sound exactly like a Vox, but it adds a nice bit of grit to a clean tone, has some nice tone shaping controls, and a choice between germanium and LED for dirt, or you can blend them.
So I decided to get the Chime 2 with its new tweaks and higher headroom. I also had Pettyjohn add their upgraded discrete op-amp mod for even greater headroom and clarity. Sounds wonderful!
Because this change freed up a little board space (the PD 2 is a double-wide pedal), I added the Pettyjohn Edge preamp for more of that Tweed style ‘hint of edge of breakup’ with a clean amp. Another great one from Pettyjohn. The PD2 is headed out to my son’s studio in LA.
Everything else is the same as my post from last year. The Schmidt Array boards have a patchbay on the side, and two of the I/O points are normalled. I set up the normalled points as an insert between the two H9s so that I can, for example, use one H9 for a second amp, or insert a volume pedal after the first H9 and before the second one so repeats on the second one continue when I pull back the volume. I also like to use these points to insert a real tape delay when using H9#1 for modulation, and H9#2 for reverb. Echoplexes and Fulltone TTEs don't have a buffered output, so having one H9 with a buffered out after the tape echo preserves high frequencies on the way to the amp.