Show your MIRA

John Beef

Apr 27, 2012
Arizona USA
2010-2011, I had an 08 Mira, vintage 'hog, regular neck, moons, and I stupidly sold it. I truthfully don't remember why any more, but I do remember the regret creeping in as I was packing it up for shipping.

In December I picked up this one, an 07 in vintage cherry with original birds, a rare bird indeed in a flock of Miras. Stock except nickel covers added which adds a touch of class. It's honestly a better guitar than the '08 was, not that there was anything wrong with the '08 in particular, and it could just be me that's different. After three + months, I'm still honeymooning, so I think it's going to work out. I was just playing it during my lunch break and loving it.

Show us your Mira!



My old 08 with moons next to my black CU22:


They're all great...Markie's is perhaps the coolest looking Mira of all time. Just sayin'.
They're all great...Markie's is perhaps the coolest looking Mira of all time. Just sayin'.

Yeah it's pretty freaking gnarly. I've seen Emil play an army green one. And by play I mean completely shred. I can't get into the pick guard but they are cool guitars.
I can't get into the pick guard but they are cool guitars.

PRS should totally back route the Mira, it could also potentially save them money and to be more efficient to use the same back plates as the others do, high commonality of parts and all that.

I also happen to think it looks fantastic!!!
PRS should totally back route the Mira, it could also potentially save them money and to be more efficient to use the same back plates as the others do, high commonality of parts and all that.!

I remember reading in either an interview or a guitar review when it came out, that one of the things PRS wanted when designing the Mira was a front routed guitar, with a clean back, etc.

It's one of the things that distinguishes the Mira in the PRS line. I really like the look.

It gives the guitar a cool vibe.

I'm going to start another Mira thread and just post 8 pages on this one. I've said it before and I'll keep saying it. That is the most beautiful Mira ever!

Here's my '08 with 57/08s. It now has a rosewood pickguard, TRC, and knobs. The pickup rings from AllParts were ridiculously huge and sloppy (they looked like they were made for a seven string made by 4 year olds!
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My Mira K is my #1 PRS guitar. It sees more playing time than my MC58 and my one-off Custom 24 combined.
2010-2011, I had an 08 Mira, vintage 'hog, regular neck, moons, and I stupidly sold it. I truthfully don't remember why any more, but I do remember the regret creeping in as I was packing it up for shipping.

In December I picked up this one, an 07 in vintage cherry with original birds, a rare bird indeed in a flock of Miras. Stock except nickel covers added which adds a touch of class. It's honestly a better guitar than the '08 was, not that there was anything wrong with the '08 in particular, and it could just be me that's different. After three + months, I'm still honeymooning, so I think it's going to work out. I was just playing it during my lunch break and loving it.

Show us your Mira!



Dibs! Love the olds birds!
Crappy old pic because the better new ones aren't posted...


I played one that was just like this in a shop, it was an 09 I think, but it reminded me how great Miras are and began my hunt for one. It had a wide-thin neck which I don't get along with, otherwise I probably would have bought that one instead of looking for a regular neck model online.
Greetings! :hello:

My 2008 MT that I am putting on the market shortly:

(quick recent crappy phone pic)


Older, slightly better pic:


Why are you selling? I was jonesing for a pretty MT Mira for a while. That's definitely a pretty one.