Show us your blue guitars!

if I ever have a couple of years to throw away and $20,000 might order a private stock that kind a quilt top.
There are better quilt tops for a quarter of that, trust me :). This one works well only in this particular artistic context. You’ll find one that rocks you one day!
For now, I just call it "Incoming!

Yeah... looks kinda like one of these NH D2 thingies.... "incoming".... LoL!!!

Yessir that’s my guitar indeed. Here it is in less flattering photography.

I was mesmerised by how the quilt patterns resemble the shimmering of waves. Uncanny! Thanks for the kind words. Yes there should be some sea creatures inlayed in there!
Pretty! Where’s my Mai Tai? Around here some where. Must have been those dang people that stole my tequila in the other thread! :)
I stalked this one for a while, then the roof thing happened. Then my PS happened and I remembered that I don’t get along with 25.5” scale lengths! Pretty guitar!

I resisted a LONG time, but the price came down enough to make it almost a non-brainer. Funny, but once I played the first Dolphin (also blue, BTW), my 30+ years of resistance to playing the longer scale vanished.