Shout Out To The PTC


Master Of The Universe (Emeritus)
Apr 26, 2012
i posted a more detailed description in the PTC section of the Forum, but I wanted to give a shout out to the PTC for the absolutely amazing setup on my Artist V.

Incredible work. Beyond expectations (which were high).

If you want your PRS to play like a rock star's, this is SO the way to go. Wow.

If you're thinking about a PTC setup, DO IT.
Beautiful! That's very classy, Les. Is it a Violin Amber Burst? It looks like a match to my 513, but with the extra classy gold hardware.
Beautiful! That's very classy, Les. Is it a Violin Amber Burst? It looks like a match to my 513, but with the extra classy gold hardware.

It's Black Gold, same family as VAB, which is one of my favorite colors, too; but a little darker and no burst..

Love the Birds! :D

Braz fret board? So nice and dark, really makes the birds POP! ;)

Nope, all Artist Vs have ebony boards and gold hardware. There's also some kind of shell purfling on the board and headstock, though I can't remember what it is.

They're essentially CU22s with Artist V pickups (whatever those are, they sound kind of between 57/08s and 59/09s on my guitar), ebony boards, and some Artist type trim. The backs are lightweight ribbon mahogany, and the necks are Peruvian mahogany. They were all Pattern Regular necks. I usually play W/F or Pattern, but this neck feels great in the hand as well. I'm pretty flexible on neck widths anyway.

The whole thing is lively, and when you play a note or strum a chord the neck just vibrates like crazy. The guitar is very, very responsive. It's light and comfortable as all get out to play in every way.

I will play this guitar until the time comes when I can no longer hold it or move my fingers.

When my wife comes to the nursing home to ask the staff if they've changed my diaper and fed me, I will point a trembling finger at a picture of the guitar on the wall of my room, and make a face like, "is the guitar still ok?"

I just hope that day is a while off... ;)
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