Shawn's 15 Year Employee Guitar, Start To Finish

I loves me some blue and purple, so I'd give Violet the nod. Especially w/the Sergio endorsement!

But I have to admit, that Solana does pop nicely.

Those are scraps from your top, right? It seems to be pulling the Violet towards Northern Lights territory - not all the way there, but maybe a stronger bit of blue than a lot of the other Violets I've seen. It looks like it borders on almost a reverse Northern Lights. That's kind of what I was thinking about if I ever get to make the journey again.
Here are a couple of videos of Trampas doing the stain tests.

Wow! It makes me happy to see how Violet is done.

On a Singlecut, I personally would go for Solana with the teardrop burst.

I've narrowed it down to two color choices
A) Violet or B) Solana Burst

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OHHH YEAH! ...CREAMSICLE All the way!!! I know, I know, its Solana...I'm still gonna call it creamsicle. The violet is also beautiful. I'm sure Prince would have loved it (may he rest in peace). Either way it's gonna be killer. Besides, worst case hate it and you regret the decision forever. Avoid the tragedy and save yourself the pain, donate it to a worthy cause (ME)! I promise I will give the poor thing a forever home. Just trying to help a brother (ME) out. Just a suggestion, No pressure:D
I vote Solana, absolutely outstanding. Violet was equally awesome, but that Solana is the one. Trampas was working on those samples like it was a private stock!
Solana. But, from what your fretboard and inlays looked like to me, violet complements them better.
That’s an impossible choice. Really.

So let’s get to the important stuff: which case are you going with? And what amp are you going to play it through?