Seymour Duncan's Saturday Night Special


New Member
Jan 27, 2024
I have a relatively new Custom 24 SE and swapped out the 85/15s pickups for Seymour Duncan Saturday night special at the bridge and a Seymour Duncan jazz at the neck. My luthier wired it based on PRS's recommendation and the problem is when you pull up on the push pull tone pot the neck pickup sounds louder than when the humbucker is engaged when the tone pot is pushed down. We then wired it based on what Seymour Duncan recommended and we have the same problem.

When the pickup selector is in the bridge position, and the push pull is pulled up and you tap on neck pickup, you don't hear anything through the amp. So there's no Crosswire going on. Any suggestions? I did call up Sweetwater and they're willing to send me a replacement pickup.
Is your "luthier" sure he got the wires in the right place. The color codes are different for a Seymour Duncan pickup than what PRS uses. The wiring in these is not that complex. He would also be able to test the pickup to make sure there is nothing wrong with it. From what you have posted here, I am thinking a wiring issue and not a pickup issue.