SE Tremolo Upgrades


New Member
Oct 18, 2012
So, I'm relatively new here and I own 2 PRS SE's (about to be 3, but I'm giving one to my dad as a present). I'm curious, since I have a few Floyded guitars and have upgraded them, what upgrades are available for the SE Tremolo bridge? Swap in the US version? Sustain blocks? I'd love to hear about it, since I love to make my guitars the best I can.

I assume the mounting holes are the same as the US version?

If so, the ultimate upgrade would be a one-piece bridge from John Mann. These are what the original PRS guitars used, and I think it's noticeably superior to the two-piece USA PRS design.
I assume the mounting holes are the same as the US version?

If so, the ultimate upgrade would be a one-piece bridge from John Mann.
I like 'em too. I've made the switch on at least 7 of my PRS guitars.

These are what the original PRS guitars used, and I think it's noticeably superior to the two-piece USA PRS design.
You mean that visually, right? I don't know anyone who claims they can hear a noticeably superior difference. In fact, I only know one person who claims he can hear the difference at all.

Perhaps an A/B test is in order!
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