SE NF3?!

So it is now official. I'll be interested to see some specs on the pickups. We know they aren't a version of the magical 57/08 NF's that we all love, but this guitar is still very interesting!
Excited about the new release, but wondering if I should hold off in the event a core model is released. Time will tell though - anxious to see also what's coming for the 40th anniversary.
The Anderson demo does a tone comparison with the SE Silver Sky. While it does sound single-coily, it’s nowhere near as bright and has a significant mid-range presence lacking in the true single-coils, I like it.
Trogly's video* shows the import NF3's pickups have 4-conductor wiring, so I'm tempted to put a megaswitch in one and try

Neck (h)
Neck (s) / Middle (s)
Neck (s) / Bridge (s)
Middle (s) / Bridge (s)
Bridge (h)

* (I would add it here, but don't want to run afoul of the no-links-please rule for us new folk.:))
Lately I tried couple of poplar Strats ... Good wood.
And from PRS, I'm glad they have white body / black pickguard combo. That one looks cool to me. <3
Remind me of Brent Mason model. :D