SE models - Silver Sky (SE) or DGT (SE)?


New Member
Jan 2, 2025
Hi all :)
Been playing my Fender Strat the last couple of years. For Amp I use Spark.
I'm now set on getting my first PRS guitar as my second guitar.
I play pop and blues and whatever my guitar teacher gives me. I mostly use the neck pickup which is my favorite on clean/edge of breakup, but use the bridge for lead tones and blues.
I'm unsure which model I should get- DGT or Silver Sky SE.
There isn't any PRS DGT SE around me I can try, but I did try the SS SE - loved the neck, the guitar felt super comfortable, however the pickups weren't impressive and the guitar felt somewhat cheap.
The pros of the SS - its comfort, remains in the strat-territory which I love, could be modified with other single coil pickups. I can imagine myself using this guitar a lot mainly due to its ease of playing, although it doesn't bring me a "better" sound compared to the Strat I have.
On the other hand there's the DGT - I've read out of the SE models it craftmanship outstands (surely better than the SS), its got Humbuckers with a coil split making it an overall versatile instrument, cons are mainly how it looks (not a fan of the design tbh), low resale value (not too sure many people are interested in this guitar) and I'm not too sure if I'd like humbucking tones or if the single coil split is as good as single coil guitar for that chime tone I love (but already got from my strat)
People who tried both guitars - what do you think? is the DGT as comfortable as the SS SE? how is its single coil sounds? would it fit my playing preferences?
Or is there another model that might fit me better?
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I'd go for the DGT between the two, but in all honesty, I'd pinch some pennies a while longer and look for a deal on a second hand US made CE or S2 Custom. Having said that, I'm not a huge fan of the SE guitars after my experience with them.
Purely rational choice: You own a Strat already. A Silver Sky (sorry, living in Germany, double S is not a very suitable abbreviation due to a forbidden notorious organisation in III. Reich) will not provide better tonal use to. It remains a Strat in a PRS costume (though it's a fine model).
You reflected that by yourself.
I recommend you to go with the DGT.
It has LP genes, but provides more tonal versality by coil split, vibrato system, and more comfort by the double cut design.
I'd go for the DGT between the two, but in all honesty, I'd pinch some pennies a while longer and look for a deal on a second hand US made CE or S2 Custom. Having said that, I'm not a huge fan of the SE guitars after my experience with them.

Because I’m yet to be familiar with PRS guitars, I won’t purchase a guitar as expensive as the S2 Custom.
I can however buy the S2 Standard or Vela.
How’s these models in comparison to the SE lineup?
Keeping in mind I mostly play “mellow” stuff and not fullblown heavy rock or metal
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I've got a Semi-Hollow Vela and an SE NF3. They are both great guitars but different in many ways. The Vela is super light around 6 pounds and has a telecaster-style bridge on it with 2 pickups. It's one of the best playing guitars I have. The NF3 has 3 narrow field pickups in a strat-like configuration with a trem. The pickups are not as bright as a typical strat plus the control layout is pushed back out of the way more. The neck shapes are also different. The Vela has a pattern regular neck and the NF3 has an SE wide thin neck. The Vela is the nicer of the 2 instruments, cost more but I play the NF3 just as much because it's so versatile.
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The S2 Standards are great guitars, the pickups in the S2 Standard aren't as hot as those in the S2 Custom, but they're excellent guitars from a build quality and consistency standpoint. Likewise for the S2 Vela, really great guitars and capable of some very unique tones.
DGT or SAS. They’re both very good SE’s. You didn’t tell us if you have a rosewood or maple fingerboard. If you have a maple, go DGT. I bought one from a friend who was tight for money, and I’m surprised at how good it is. Then you can get a 24 fretted later…….