Bangin my head against the wall. My subject has a hissy noise when not touching the bridge or strings. It gets louder if I touch one of the pickup height adjustment screws. gpes away it I touch the strings or bridge or springs in the trem cavity. Seems worse on the neck pu. If I check continuity between the bridge and to a cord inserted in the jack, plugged into my Spark amp or Quad Cortex into a Headrush 108, there is continuity. If I check from the soldier points on the pots to the the plug cover I have continuity. I wiggle wires and whatever and can't make it go away. I have to keep a noise gate on but as sustain goes down the noise starts to cut through again. When plugged into the QC and I touch it's metal case the noise goes away the same as if touching the bridge so for some reason the guitar wants to see ME and only ME as ground it seems. All my other guitars do not display.
Any ideas out there?
Any ideas out there?