SC58 vs. SC245 – Which Would You Choose?


New Member
Nov 11, 2017
I’m currently in the market for a PRS single-cut and have narrowed my options to the SC58 and the post SC58 era SC245, the one that also has a two piece bridge. While I love the 594’s sound, the chunky neck just isn’t comfortable for me, so I’m leaning toward these two models instead.

For those who have experience with both, are there any compelling reasons to choose one over the other? Are there specific differences in tone, feel, or features that set them apart?

Edit: I forgot to mention that the SC I’m interested in is the post SC58 era model. So I believe both have the two piece bridge, unless I’m mistaken. I wonder if the differences are less subtle between those two VS the SC58 and the stoptail SC245?
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Well, the main differences between the guitars, as I understand them, are the pickups and the bridge. The bridge is a wash, imho, as I've always been comfortable with a simple stop tail, but if you use funky tunings or weird string gauges then a TOM might be better for you. In regards to the pickups, as someone who has both 245s and 57/08s (245s in my SC245, and 57/08s in my 25th Anniversary Custom, my SC Trem and my SC HBII), I'd describe the 57/08s as a PAF-alike and the 245s as a more mid-forward, slightly hotter '70s overwound pickup sound. I'm very fond of my 57/08-equipped guitars - I really like the pickups - but I've never felt the urge to change the 245s in my SC245 for anything more vintage sounding, as they just suit that guitar so well. Ultimately, I think the mojo resides in the whole guitar; you can get greater and lesser examples of the same model all the time, and I'm a huge advocate of getting a guitar into your hands and playing it before buying it; let your hands and ears decide. Good luck with your search...
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My SC245 is actually a Ted McCarty model from 2009. My SC-58 is from 2012. Both have 57/08 pickups in them so they are pretty close in tone. The bridge is one thing that is different between mine. I am not sure I can say one bridge is better than the other. They do feel a little different under your hand but not enough to say I love one and hate the other. I honestly don't notice that difference after a minute or so of playing. There is binding on both of mine so the necks feel similar as well.

I don't think you can go wrong with either of them.

One thing I will mention that I do notice is that the SC-58 is wired different. The volumes and tones are on different knobs when compared to the SC245. I like the SC245 wiring much better. It is what I am used to with single cut guitars. I have thought about changing the wiring in my SC-58 but have left it alone to keep it as it was built. I just adjust.
Both are nice just depends on the bridge you like better , they will sometimes have the same pickups but more often the SC245 will have 245 pickups , covered versions of the Mira pickup that I like a lot , tone wise they are brighter and a taste hotter than the 57/08 and are killer in my SCT and really rocked in my DGT for a time. I would go SC245 if it was me. but you can't go wrong
My experience has been that the tone is fatter and ballsier on the stoptail, although sometimes at the expense of a muddy neck pickup sound. The two piece bridge has been more articulate throughout the frequency range and on both pickups.

Granted, that is on the small sample size of guitars I've played and owned, and there are other variables.

Personally, I'd go for a SC58, or Stripped 58, but it does depend on what you want to use it for.