S2 Standard 22 Satin head light and ass heavy

Robert Corrington

New Member
Aug 29, 2017
I bought an S2 Standard 22 Satin. I really like the guitar expect she is head light and ass heavy. When I play the guitar while seated and without a strap, the neck pops up and the body starts to slip off my leg. Very annoying.

Any ideas?

I’m thinking of replacing the existing tuners with Sperzel locking tuners just to add a bit of mass to the headstock.


I sometimes play with the guitar on my left leg, rather than the right. I do it more because it puts the guitar closer to how I play standing up. You see people playing flying V’s with the bottom of the V between their legs, cause it’s about the only way to sit with one. Anyhow, it’s worth a shot.
...or tie something to the tail end strap button?

interesting... I only play sitting at home and that's my biggest gripe about my core models. I've actually tried most of the 'solutions' mentioned above (except for that balloons... ;)
After a short bit I get tired of it and move on to a different guitar. They balance well while strapped on standing, but that's not how I roll these days.
My S2's, on the other hand, all balance perfectly while sitting.
Sounds like you got one with a heavy chunk of body wood...
I've never been able to play electrics seated without a strap, PRS or otherwise - I can never find a comfy accessible spot where the guitar doesn't shift. Acoustics I can do. So, I'd suggest trying a strap rather than on the leg.