Hey Chris, I am hearing about 4 different stories that match the OP's description. All of them involve different dealers and different buyers. It seems in all the hustle and bustle, there were several people who got their feathers ruffled.
NONE of the heartburn (that I heard about) had anything to do with you or your deal. Rest assured, brother, there is no mud on your shoes. You're a good guy and we all know it.
With the other stories, there is a lot of 2nd hand info so it's hard to know what really happened. Things aren't always what they seem. In one situation, a well known, long-standing, loved, and honest dealer was working a deal with a customer he had been selling to for over 15 years (the second deal with him of the day). The dealer was working up a number and the customer said something like "let me know, I'm going to walk around". The dealer walked over, delivered the price, and it created a misconception. Nothing rude or nefarious was intended. But we can all agree that it creates a plausable reason to raise an eyebrow. No doubt we all learn from things like this. Even the dealer. This is a relatively new thing. Those guys will find a rhythm. Be patient.
If there is a witch that requires burning, time will reveal all. In this case, I think we should chill out and pay closer attention to our etiquette next year. No doubt the dealers will.