Rosewood Necks and Pups


New Member
Apr 26, 2012
New Jersey
I know it is subjective, but in your opinion which pick ups bring out the best in rosewood neck guitars? Please feel free to expand beyond the basic question.
I really liked whatever pickups come in the SCT Rosewood, #6s I think, but maybe it was #7s. They basically sound awful in anything BUT a rosewood necked guitar, but once you've got that, LOOK OUT! Wow. I compared 4 modern eagles, 2 singlecut and 2 doublecut, with 3 SCT Rosewoods, and the MEs all won, every one, unplugged, then lost miserably plugged in. I did the AB on a Diezel Einstein clean gritty and filthy.

Do I ever have rosewood GAS...
I think with rosewood guitars, for the classic rock tones I like, 57/08s and 59/09s rule. My favorite neck pickup is the 53/10. Personally, I couldn't disagree more regarding the #6s. I find the neck ok, but the bridge sounds thin and weak to me. I replaced the bridge pcikup in my IRW SCT with an EVH Wolfgang. That guitar sounds AMAZING now.
Not that it would be an easy swap, but I love the sound of the 513 and 408 pups with a rosewood neck. If you are starting from the ground up, no problem. If you are looking to mod...well...umm...
I know it is subjective, but in your opinion which pick ups bring out the best in rosewood neck guitars? Please feel free to expand beyond the basic question.

BTW, does your rosewood necked P22 have 53/10s? How does it sound? I LOVE the 53/10s in my P22, but mine has a hog neck.
My 408 standard ( IRW ) sounds killer and I am very happy with the #6 pickups in my SCT rosewood split in the center position is really special.
BTW, does your rosewood necked P22 have 53/10s? How does it sound? I LOVE the 53/10s in my P22, but mine has a hog neck.

No. My P22 has 57/08's and an ebony board. Part of my curiosity was my considering another RW guitar with 57/08 in the neck and a 59/09 in the bridge. The ebony on the P22 does not give me a fair read on a 57/08 on a rosewood board and I've never heard a 59/09 on rosewood. I want strong mids from a RW neck guitar.
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I just put 57/08's in my McRosie and couldn't be happier! It cleared up a lot of the mud that I was experiencing before. The sound is much more detailed and it's preserved the richness that the McCarty offers. I'm just so excited about this find! It sounds good clean, broken up and like a monster with gain now! With the refinish that the PTC did, and the new pup's, it's like a new guitar all together! Fkn Stoked! :top:
57/08s in my BRW McCarty. I had originally changed them to RP (from the original Modern Eagle), but the 57/08s were still an improvement...

53/10s in my McRosie made it a lifer where before it could have easily been on the bubble...
I absolutely loved the feel of the neck and the stock McCarty pups sounded good but the neck was a little bit dark and the bridge pup was a bit too understated for my particular taste.
I posted a thread similar to this and ended up putting in that set of 53/10s and it opened up the guitar so much. Split tones to die for and the bucker mode is nice, warm and full yet very articulate. I would suspect any of the 5X/XX pups would be stellar in a RW necked guitar...
After I proper go with a DGT I think the DGT pups would rock with some rosewood neck action. I also like the RP's just fine and would be open to those in a rosewood necked axe.