Tablature! I have a love hate relationship with this music notation format. What I love is, it is easier to read (at least for me) than reading classical music notation. It just shows you what fret to press on for any given string. Unfortunately, for hundreds of years, people have been putting the strings in the order opposite of what they are on the guitar. Crazy if you ask me, but it has been done this way for centuries. Homey don't play that! I have for years been modifying any tablature I come across where I transpose the "proper" tab layout to my preferred tab layout. Here is an example ("Stairway To Heaven" intro):
Classic Tablature:
Moondog Tablature (aka Taba The Hutt):
As you can see, in the second instance, the strings are in the same order from top to bottom as they would be on your guitar! Which is how it should always have been IMO!! The arguments I have heard for doing it the other way are:
1. The standard music notation has lowest notes low and higher notes higher
2. When a guitar player is playing, they see the fretboard upside down so the tablature should be the same
3. This is the way it has been done since the 15th century
IMO, these are all worthless arguments that do NOT justify having to vertically transpose what you are seeing on paper to what you are hitting on your fretboard/strings.
Long and short is, I have a short fuse on "classic" tablature, so if you see something from me in tab format, I will most likely have "corrected" the tablature to the way it should be (so says Taba The Hutt) ;~))
If you want to make this happen yourself for tabs you have and would like to convert, I recently built a macro in Notepad++ that allows me to do just that. I simply hightlight a "classic tab" section, hit my keyboard macro and it flips it to my version of tablature. I used to do it by hand line by line, but a few months ago the lightbulb came on and I built the macro. If you need instruction on how to do this, send me a PM and I will walk you through it ;~))
So all of this for what? So I can publicly shake my fist at the tab cloud, that's what ;~)) Maybe others will see the light as well!