Real private stock? Or replica?


Guitar Player
Nov 14, 2015
Corpus Christi, TX

I just saw this looking around...I'm probably wrong but it looks like an artist with a rosewood neck. It looks like the headstock veneer was removed and a eagle applied. However it does have the Gold writing that may or may not be legit.

It's probably real...but looks like a really great artist instead of a crazy private stock to me. That low key vibe is appealing to me. Just wondering what you guys think.

Sweet! Thanks! I really do like the look and the function. I've never even had the chance to use a sweet switch...i don't even know what it does. Don't tell me either i want it to be a mystery until i hear it.
Perfectly legit. If still doubtful, ask to see the certificate. That should seal it.
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In the off chance they don't have it..i can forgive that now after receiving validation from other forum members. I'm sure if I decide to buy it I'll be able to obtain a copy from PRS CS.
Looks like a killer PS to me. With a full Braz neck and 53/10s should sound great too!
It's a legit PS. The only thing that caught my eye is that despite having a BRW neck, the headstock is faced with curly mahogany veneer which is uncommon but the customer can ask for this as well. Probably the customer wanted to mimic the pre fac guitars as said in the description.

BTW I recommend asking the seller for PS certificate of this guitar to see the specs before buying.
I have the PS number just one before