Daryl Jones
non-practicing pacifist
My uncle taught my cousin and I how to make a very simple but fun toy. With an old wooden shingle shake (might have been cedar or pine) and a lino knife he cut an arrow shaped projectile from one with the head made from the thick part and the "feathers" on the the tapered end of the shake. Then with a length ( I'm guessing 2-3 feet long, I mean it was 60 years ago) of butcher cord or binder twine tied that to a straight stick with a fairly large knot tied in the free end of the twine. A small notch was cut in the shaft just below the arrowhead where you fit the knotted end of the twine. Then you launched the projectile just like the old warriors used to launch a spear. We played with those things for ages and had competitions to see who could fly them the farthest. I'd say we could probably get 100 feet or more from them, hard to say we were so young but it seemed like miles to us. Of course you wouldn't dare do that today, the safety gestapo would be all over anything like that! Look at what happened with lawn darts!We invented games back then. We used our imaginations.
I wished the world were simpler and just a better place to live with out all this nonsense.