Quick SE Singlecut trem question


New Member
Feb 11, 2013
I am looking at getting my second SE singlecut, but this time with the trem. I really like the blue one but I havent found any pictures that show the binding very well. Some of the pictures look like there is no binding at all! I have an SE singlecut in vintage burst and really like the natural binding on it. Does anyone know what the Singlecut trem binding is like, and if you have a picture, even more awesome! I've spent the last hour looking for pics and so far all I have found was a pick of the red one that looks like it has some red binding.

I am also considering the Tremonti SE custom instead of the Singlecut trem, I know they are thicker, I am wondering how much weight and feel difference are we talking? I also know they have a slightly thinner neck.
I believe the Singlecut Trem SE has a "scraped" binding, as does the Tremonti SE Custom.
It's not as pronounced as the white plastic binding on Les Pauls but it's there and, IMO, it looks classy.
I also LOVE the neck carve on the Tremonti SE Custom, but you should probably play them both and decide for yourself.

Here's a picture of my new Tremonti SE Custom. :)

WoW ... thanks for posting those pics.
I never would have guessed they did not have binding.

I wonder why?
on the tremonti custom se..and most single cuts.they have what is called flux binding,it is the edge of the mapletop and not binding at all....