Creating this as a central reference for those wanting to modify the wiring on their PRS guitars. I will post the diagrams I've created and/or shared in various threads over the last few years. All other legitimate mods are welcome from anyone!
Disclaimer: I'm just some rando on the interwebz who likes to tinker. I'm assuming you know how to solder or will take your guitar to someone who does. All schemes I post have been vetted and I'll do my best to help vet anyone else's work, but I can't guarantee this stuff will work for you. Mod at your own risk!
Disclaimer: I'm just some rando on the interwebz who likes to tinker. I'm assuming you know how to solder or will take your guitar to someone who does. All schemes I post have been vetted and I'll do my best to help vet anyone else's work, but I can't guarantee this stuff will work for you. Mod at your own risk!
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