PRS Silver Sky Headstock Fix

so, you swapped the motor out of your Ferrari and replaced it with one from a Flintstone mobile, huh? Hey, it’s your Ferrari.
Your analogy is juvenile. This is a custom neck, the best craftmanship.

If you stick around, you'll quickly come to expect nothing less than juvenile from WingerRules. 🤣

That looks like really nice work. Seems this is one of those things that's mainly about a project and being creative. Post this on The Gear Page if you want real fireworks.

Some of us need to go back and re-read rule number 1, which is why I don't make many comments about the Silver Sky. 😝

Make It Your Own And Play The Piss Out Of It. I Am Not A Fan Of Any Strat Like Guitar Built By Anybody But I Can Appreciate And Respect What You Did And Why You Did It. Enjoy!

It didn't have the string trees in the other pictures. How's the tuning with trem use now? Staggered tuners aren't enough?
I think the most amazing part of this thread (to me) was the fact that I never actually noticed it was different from standard PRS headstock. When I first read the original thread about this "issue", I took mine out and looked at it. I laughed to myself when I noticed it was indeed upside down. In the 2 years I've had this guitar, and even swapping the original tuners to Phase III w/plates, I never noticed it was reversed. It's just that unimportant to me.

I play my guitars, I don't put them on the wall and admire or complain about the design.

I have to agree with those commenting that if you didn't like the headstock enough to swap the entire neck, why not just buy a strat-style body and build your own. Seems like an awfully expensive path to take to get to this s

Are you selling the original neck?
I want to keep it for measurements - I have a few people asking me to make them a custom PRS silver sky neck with the Fender headstock, the PRS silver sky is what a 500$ guitar now? People can mod it and have fun.
I’m totally on board with the modding. The new neck is beautifully done. In the spirit of following the rules, I won’t say anything regarding the attractiveness of the SS headstock. I’ll jus say I really like the neck the OP made!
New bone nut. Extremely pleased with the result - amazing sustain and feel - an instrument that inspires. Project done. Going down rabbit holes - meticulous measurements of the original neck, creating a CAD profile, machining, creating prototypes, and finally finishing up was a pure joy - the happiness of pursuit.

Glad it turned out for you!
Went back and looked at the original pic, given the color and the 2 point trem, looks like it. This post makes a lot more sense now.
Yes, I never zoomed it because the idea is not appealing to me, but thought from the start it was an SE. Then I saw posts noting price etc. and thought it might have been a US model. This makes much more sense.
I would agree with the sentiment above, that if you wanted that neck that badly, there are much cheaper ways to get a strat body than to buy a US SS. And, that there is nothing so spectacular about the body and pickups, to warrant paying $3K for a guitar just to mod, compared to other body/pickup/trem options available. YMMV.