Well i don't know how put images but i put link for the google drive album whit pictures and post the list of upgrades, how dou you think? If one can put the images in post thanks a lot
Fender F straplocks
Prs toggle switch ac4101(little carved for fit)
Prs volume pot 500k 180pf ac4109
Prs tone pot 500k 0.33mf
Prs Se tremolo arm(only for the black pin)
Prs Se locking tunners
Vol/tone indicators like LP
Black tusq nut(maybe change for Prs nut core)
Jack pure tone 5 points
Prs lampshade knobs amber
Muscily pick up cover
Guyker tremolo springs
My mistake put this post in another section iam sorry
Fender F straplocks
Prs toggle switch ac4101(little carved for fit)
Prs volume pot 500k 180pf ac4109
Prs tone pot 500k 0.33mf
Prs Se tremolo arm(only for the black pin)
Prs Se locking tunners
Vol/tone indicators like LP
Black tusq nut(maybe change for Prs nut core)
Jack pure tone 5 points
Prs lampshade knobs amber
Muscily pick up cover
Guyker tremolo springs
Prs santana SE - Google Drive

My mistake put this post in another section iam sorry