PRS Piezo System Battery?


New Member
May 15, 2012
Does the battery's strength/life in a PRS Piezo system effect the output level when the mini toggle is switched to magnetic only mode? (using the "mix" output)
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Does the battery's strength/life in a PRS Piezo system effect the output level when the mini toggle is switched to magnetic only mode? (using the "mix" output)

Well, I mainly use the mix out and the have it set to magnetic,
and why the battery went below 7V for me, the output starting going up and down.
Was thinking of reworking it to have the magnetic only on one output and thus not
have to worry about battery life, but with everything PCB-mounted, I gave that idea up
I'm not that into the piezo and want it removed. Things rattle in there and dampen sustain. Just saving up to sent it to PTC for modding.
No-- as confirmed by me totally removing battery and no change in volume or tone. volume was confirmed by my db meter also. The pickups are passive not active ---battery is for piezo only. This if for the p22 not sure how it reacts with the hollow body . no rattle or sustain issues with my p22.
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