PRS nut theory


Guitar Geezer
Apr 26, 2012
Fallston, MD
Most of us grew up playing Fenders and Gibsons and always seemed to struggle getting & keeping them properly intonated.

I seem to remember, long ago, Paul discussing his development of how his theory about how to position the PRS nut to get better intonation. He said it was different from the Buzz Feiten system and something that he developed early on and they still probably use today. I believe he said that the nut slot is fractionally closer to the fretboard or- something like that. Anybody else remember a discussion about all this?

What made me think about this again was was watching this YT video that popped up on my feed today. In all the years I've been fooling around with guitars I've never seen this done before (zero fret?).

Hope ya'll enjoy Thanksgiving with family & friends...Jim
