PRS in Nor Cal


New Member
Mar 9, 2013
Northern CA
Hello everyone, I'm new to forum but been lurking for awhile. I am now getting back into learning guitar. I've started doing alot of research about guitars trying to figure what I like and would want when I saved enough $. I always was a G&R fan so my initial likening was a les paul. researching all makers and styles of guitars I ended up on liking PRS as a whole(the guitars and the company). I think it was the look of a PRS guitar that attracted me at 1st and then PRSh's story is fascinating too. So, long story short I am a big PRS fan with out even being able to play guitar. I'm not sure exactly how this happened but, I basically became a PRS fan over the internet. So I have been trying to find where I could see, hold, or play one. Here in Nor Cal, it is very hard to get hands on a PRS guitar to even hold or play one. The guitar stores here in Nor Cal just don't carry PRS. We recently had a GC open up nearby and they have "ZERO" PRS guitars in stock. Even the GC's in Sacramento don't have a lot. I was lucky to find one with a SE 245. that is the only PRS I've accually got to see and hold. If guitar stores don't have PRS's in stock for people to see, hold, and play then how are they supposed to know if they like one or not? I haven't even seen anyone in a local band with one either. I was in a local guitar shop trying to find any PRS guitar and the salesman said that they don't carry PRS because PRS was a pain to deal with and players didn't like the heal of the neck on PRS. Of course that was one guys opinion. but why are PRS not all over the music stores like other brands?
Thanks for listening.
Where in Northern California are you? The Concord Guitar Center usually has several in stock--I recently played a really nice 305 there. Bananas in San Rafael is a PRS dealer too, but it's been a while since I've been there, so I don't know what they've got in stock. Good store, though. There's also a list of dealers organized by state on the PRS website.
I guess I must be lucky because all of the Guitar Center stores here carry a pretty wide assortment of PRS guitars. The big one in Houston even has some artist package and private stock models. Those are cool to look at, but I find they're just a bit too... something for my tastes (even if I could afford one).
I'm in Paradise, close to Chico. Yah I could go to the bay area but I'm lookin at a 3 hour drive. Sacramento/Roseville is an hour plus drive for me too. I was disappointed in Sacramento GC's I thought I would see more PRS's. From PRS's list of dealers, I don't see any businesses north of Sacramento that are dealers. I'm sure there is somebody though right? I feel like i'm in a PRS FREE zone or something. I'm just wondering Why? Maybe somebody knows a small shop or two north of Sac. If you do, you could PM me. I would appreciate it. Thanx
GC's for the most part isn't going to have anything special - they are just moving a commodity - it happens to be guitars. If you find one with a platinum room, you may see a few PRS. West LA GC had 6 or 7 last time I was there - GC Hollywood about the same. GC Palmdale - one SE - one used CU22.

I gave up on them for PRS - just go online and buy :-) Lots of selection, better pricing and great support. The guys online know the product better too in my experience. ;-)

PRS's are consistent enough that I don't worry about buying online. :D
The Asst. Mangr. at the GC by me, said some stores (including the one by me) were pulling PRS from the wall because they were not selling. GC is in tight with Fender and Gibson and they control GC's wall space. Brands like Ibanez, BC Rich, and Yamaha that have some nice high end offerings do not get ANY wall space. Those brands prices and offerings blow away the quality and high price for those others. PRS is increasingly fitting into the market that GC is not targeting. Hence the departure from Mesa Boogie and the soon to be short lived Hughes and Kettner and other high end brands. Sure they will order whatever you want so they can undercut the prices of the mom and pops. Scary thought, if all we have left to do buisness with is GC.
The Asst. Mangr. at the GC by me, said some stores (including the one by me) were pulling PRS from the wall because they were not selling. GC is in tight with Fender and Gibson and they control GC's wall space. Brands like Ibanez, BC Rich, and Yamaha that have some nice high end offerings do not get ANY wall space. Those brands prices and offerings blow away the quality and high price for those others. PRS is increasingly fitting into the market that GC is not targeting. Hence the departure from Mesa Boogie and the soon to be short lived Hughes and Kettner and other high end brands. Sure they will order whatever you want so they can undercut the prices of the mom and pops. Scary thought, if all we have left to do buisness with is GC.

That makes perfect sense. thanx.
I would still like any info on any shop north of Sac. that carries PRS. If any body knows any. Thanx
I was in the Roseville Guitar Center store (one of two Sacramento area stores) over the weekend. I saw two USA PRS guitars and maybe six SE models which only four were new. Slim pickings.