Leif Robertson
New Member
Ive been giving some serious thought lately (which can be a dangerous thing for me) on getting a nice hollow body. I recall going to University of the arts for jazz guitar for a year until I changed to commercial art because my parents (both with their doctorates) would say well your a artist as well as a musician why don't you change your major to where you can make money (which ultimately I did)... but I was the guy playing fusion in school with a vintage strat while everyone else was using the hollow bodies but it kinda made me cool because I played fusion to tick off the teachers. Which has nothing to do with my question.
I find it odd that I never actually bought a full hollow body electric. (I couldn't afford a PRS when I was 18). So now that Im well off with too many axes (ill admit it.....well probably not) I don't even play so often as my custom 24... Im more than considering getting a hollow body and well hell maybe a PRS hollow body but I also want to use it with some gain when I desire it people. I see some local guys with ES 355s and 125s rocking out with drive and well even BB king who used little gain by comparison ... I know he stuffed his with newspapers for feedback control. I was really lately looking at a Maton B1200 then discovered Josh Homme (I like them crooked Vultures!) uses them and he uses more drive than me...and more recently Duesenburg models, but now Im thinking why not just get a PRS artisan hollow body now that Im here at the forum? Talk me into one!!!
Is using somewhat high gain feedback a problem or a blessing? Is it generally speaking unwanted noise or controlled harmonic sustain.... in which case yummy. Don't get me wrong, I get a hollow body Ill be playing some fusion "at the very least" and probably some hard rock too but also basic clean jazz because you have one and I still know all the old chops. Blah. Days of Wine and Roses lmao is a far cry from what I am doing now. I think if you asked me two weeks ago I think Id kill myself before I played that one again but if I got a hollow body...well probably be the first thing I played lol. So Im pretty stoked! Suicide by jazz. Still..Id like to use it for alt purposes and my progressive art rock band too.... If it works for me with that. Concerned about feedback and gain.. So talk me into it. A good match or am I asking for trouble?
Why yes, I am scatterbrained.
I find it odd that I never actually bought a full hollow body electric. (I couldn't afford a PRS when I was 18). So now that Im well off with too many axes (ill admit it.....well probably not) I don't even play so often as my custom 24... Im more than considering getting a hollow body and well hell maybe a PRS hollow body but I also want to use it with some gain when I desire it people. I see some local guys with ES 355s and 125s rocking out with drive and well even BB king who used little gain by comparison ... I know he stuffed his with newspapers for feedback control. I was really lately looking at a Maton B1200 then discovered Josh Homme (I like them crooked Vultures!) uses them and he uses more drive than me...and more recently Duesenburg models, but now Im thinking why not just get a PRS artisan hollow body now that Im here at the forum? Talk me into one!!!
Is using somewhat high gain feedback a problem or a blessing? Is it generally speaking unwanted noise or controlled harmonic sustain.... in which case yummy. Don't get me wrong, I get a hollow body Ill be playing some fusion "at the very least" and probably some hard rock too but also basic clean jazz because you have one and I still know all the old chops. Blah. Days of Wine and Roses lmao is a far cry from what I am doing now. I think if you asked me two weeks ago I think Id kill myself before I played that one again but if I got a hollow body...well probably be the first thing I played lol. So Im pretty stoked! Suicide by jazz. Still..Id like to use it for alt purposes and my progressive art rock band too.... If it works for me with that. Concerned about feedback and gain.. So talk me into it. A good match or am I asking for trouble?
Why yes, I am scatterbrained.
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