hey guys just got a 97 paul reed smith 22 custom 5 way rotary switch with stopbar bridge, i want to love this guitar it looks and plays great. I used to use a 04 american strat i had 2 lace sensorsblue/silver and a hot rail in the bridge it sounded great, however the paul reed smith sounds bad. I play through a 2005 hot rod deville 4x10, the prs sounds bad through it. The lower 3 strings sound muddy no definition and the top three and super bright ive adjusted the pickups to really high and tried the bill lawrence method with the nickels i cant get this thing to sound good. I pluggedinto a peavey classic 50 too sounded slightly better but not much diffrence. Any advice guys? I play music for a living and got this as a gift from my dad hate to have it sit in a closet because it playssowell and I love the way it looks. Any other tips from long time prs users would be greatly appreciated.