PRS Cover Story


A Top (and Heart) of Gold
Apr 27, 2012
Texxas, USA
In the latest issue of the UK magazine "Guitarist" (Feb. 2013/Issue No. 364), there is a cover story on PRS. It's a comparison between a JA-15 and a Knaggs Chena. Great article and pictures. It's an issue primarily devoted to semi-acoustics, and there's also a small mention on the Hollowbody II.

Goldtop Lloyd
Good issue!

Are you getting them about a month behind?

I guess that depends on how you look at it. I'm in Texas, and I get them off the newstand at a bookstore because to subscribe would cost more than I can afford to spend all at once. The place where I get it only receives a few copies, and it usually hits the stands early in the month. I snag one as soon as I can. This time around, it came on Monday, and I got it Tuesday.

It's one of the best guitar mags going, don't you think?
