New Member
Nov 21, 2024
Lost volume on my guitar CE 24 semi hollow body anyone have any suggestions on what happened?
No volume on either pickup?

Check the output jack. IIRC some jacks and cables don't work the best together. Just retensioning the jack fixes it.
Might want to check/change the pickup selector switch. I say that because the 3 way blade switch on my SE 24 Standard was always a bit flakey since day one. Sprayed it with contact cleaner and really worked it in quite a few times. Then last week I got no sound at all from the neck pickup.

Replaced the switch the next day with a new one. All systems are now a go!
I've been having too many volume pot problems. Who makes the very best potentiometers?

I like the PRS core CTS because of the taper. Sometimes they used bourns too per others. But CTS and Bourns are the ones. RS guitarworks CTS has great taper too. They were all I used before a PRS junkie..
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