Private Stock Friday

It's part of our new line of rock & roll kitchen ware.


When I made this for my wife, she just rolled her eyes.
When I made this for my wife, she just rolled her eyes.

Funny you should mention... I made this vacuum for my wife from stir sticks and Elmer's glue and it got the same reaction.

Then she kicked me in the ding-ding and called me a pig.


]-[ @ n $ 0 |v| a T ! ©;62277 said:
Funny you should mention... I made this vacuum for my wife from stir sticks and Elmer's glue and it got the same reaction.

Then she kicked me in the ding-ding and called me a pig.



Wait a minute....when you gave her the vacuum cleaner, did it come with a note requesting her (to use it) to suck? I can't imagine what would elicit that reaction? :dontknow:

You could fit a widescreen TV in there to keep up with the basketball scores during a gig. :rolleyes:
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I'm gonna go through some serious withdraws today without my PS friday!! I need to find something else now to get me through the day. Man this sucks.