Zombie Three, DFZ
It was mostly a matter of aesthetics.I mean... to each their own but, I'm only intrigued by pre-op DGT's. I feel more comfortable with a trem arm. I'm most familiar with how it works.
It was mostly a matter of aesthetics.I mean... to each their own but, I'm only intrigued by pre-op DGT's. I feel more comfortable with a trem arm. I'm most familiar with how it works.
I mean... to each their own but, I'm only intrigued by pre-op DGT's. I feel more comfortable with a trem arm. I'm most familiar with how it works.
Dangerously thin ground... or DTG?I dunno. I could swing both ways on this one.
The ghost in the reflection, or the Wolverine mask to the right of the bottom knob.The ghost in the reflection?
Anybody else notice something...ummm..."interesting" about that top?
Umm hmm... Gotta cut your righthand nails to play that guitar.
Anybody else notice something...ummm..."interesting" about that top?
Got what you were alluding to the first time, but I, uh, will try to be nice and not, uh, "touch" that....Exactly. I was trying to be...vague in a...nice way.
Beautiful guitar...could stare at it for hours. I see why a whammy bar would be a little out of place on "her".
Thanks for posting this Vaughn. I hadn't seen it before. Pretty cool. Shows how much attention to detail goes into every step. Nothing to take for granted.So I ran across this on youtube. Not sure if I'd seen it and forgot or have never seen it, but it's pretty cool.
Happy hump day!