Private Stock Friday

Thanks everybody.

Gotta give props to Tina for helping a great deal with the bird colors - I really wasn't sure what to go with, and she made a couple key suggestions.

Also gotta give a nod to Vaughn (vchizzle) - his PS build is what triggered the birds idea. When he was describing his build, something he said made me think, "I want to do something unique." Here's the thing - I have no idea what it was. Vaughn and I have tossed a couple messages back and forth about it, and we couldn't figure out what it was. I'm not going to argue with it - whatever it was, it worked!

And big thanks to Brian for making it all happen. And Paul Miles for all his technical help.

This is going to be fun...
I've never been a fan of green guitars but I'd not be saying no if that Quilted Maple PRS found it's way into my hands. Smashing PSF Hunter. Welcome back!
I've never been a fan of green guitars but I'd not be saying no if that Quilted Maple PRS found it's way into my hands. Smashing PSF Hunter. Welcome back!

This... And Alan sir, you Birds idea is way way cool
Can't wait to see it come to fruition
Heh, so the birds are migrating south? Will they then return going north? Up the backside? Oops, hope I didn't give away anyone's secret!!! :D:D:D
There's an amusing thread on a Facebook group about whether the owl on the 24-fret PRS guitars is an owl or a penguin. It does really kind of look like a penguin, although I know it's an owl:
Almost Friday!

In the meantime, here is a look back to a cool pic that I dig from August of last year:


Awesome one-piece quilt, my favorite kind of Private Stock top!

Love that Red "Glow" finish. Looks like something I would spec.

Looking forward to what Friday brings!