POLL: What's your preferred p'up selector?

What's your favourite?

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Perpetual lurker
Apr 27, 2012
Edinburgh, Scotland
So whenever I get a new PRS, I switch out the rotary. It's crazy I know but when on stage, unless i'm staring at the switch, I can't tell where I am cause I'm stupid...

So I always install a 3 way toggle and push/push tone pot. I don't always use split positions but will happily fly through bridge/mid/neck all the time. I'm very close to switching out the 5-way blade switch in mu cu24 with a 3-way blade and push/push the tone there too.

So I ask you all guys: what switching method do you prefer?

EDIT: Plus I just wanted to launch a poll (maybe the first on the forum?)
I love the rotary in the studio, but its difficult to use in any sort of fast paced music unless you go from 1 to 5 without any in betweens haha
Haven't tried the 5 way blade yet, but I have problems switching the 5 way rotary while playing. The 3 way toggle in my Al D works great and is very usable but I don't use the coil taps much with the push pull tone knob. I would rather have another toggle to tap them.
themike said:
I love the rotary in the studio, but its difficult to use in any sort of fast paced music unless you go from 1 to 5 without any in betweens haha
This was always my issue with the rotary, I had problems effectively using it live. I use the 3 way/pp system in all my guitars. I don't tap a lot though. I think I could get used to the blade easy enough, but I don't love the way it looks either - never been a fan of much of anything strat like...but I don't hate it either.
I prefer the 3-way toggle. It's the easiest and most familiar setup on stage when the adrenaline is going and the lights are bright...
Like the 3 way, but would rather have split coils accessed with mini toggles like on the Sig. Wish there was a spearate volume for both pickups.
5-way blade

Best move PRS made switching from the rotary to the blade. (this is where :dude: would be if we had that option)
Hans said:
I like the Siggy switching best: 3-way toggle with mini toggles for splitting each pup.

+1 here. I always used just the 3-way toggle no splitting until I played one of Markie's Siggs....the pup selecting ont hem is great, of course the pups them selves make the actual switching all worth while....
I went with the 3-way. I WANT to like the blade, however whatever switch PRS decided to go with feels way too clunky and 'mil spec ' to me. Like something that would be more suited to a piece of studio gear (Shadow Hills comes to mind) or on the launch control panel for a missile lol.
I went with 3 way. I tried liking the rotary but just couldn't get into it. It's just too difficult to be precise (while being fast) in a live gig situation.
I know I'm in the minority, but darn it, if I said anything other than the 5-way rotary I'd be lying! Maybe it's primarily because those I've owned with it have sounded so good, but I love that quirky, sometimes difficult to grab, often hard to detect current position, strangely numbered, potentially frustrating............switch.
AaeCee said:
I know I'm in the minority, but darn it, if I said anything other than the 5-way rotary I'd be lying! Maybe it's primarily because those I've owned with it have sounded so good, but I love that quirky, sometimes difficult to grab, often hard to detect current position, strangely numbered, potentially frustrating............switch.

Ha! Well put. :D
I voted 5 way blade. Having one dedicated control for all pickup switching/coil tapping works well for me. Also, the blade is a more practical solution than the rotary, since you don't grab the wrong knob, and you can easily feel where you are.

The one on my guitar feels very smooth and high-quality.

I like the 3-way setup on the SC models. A pull-up knob has always been a source of frustration, hard to grab onto and somewhat fiddly under my fingers (others seem to have no problem with this, so that's probably a personal dexterity issue).
LSchefman said:
I voted 5 way blade. Having one dedicated control for all pickup switching/coil tapping works well for me. Also, the blade is a more practical solution than the rotary, since you don't grab the wrong knob, and you can easily feel where you are.

The one on my guitar feels very smooth and high-quality.

I like the 3-way setup on the SC models. A pull-up knob has always been a source of frustration, hard to grab onto and somewhat fiddly under my fingers (others seem to have no problem with this, so that's probably a personal dexterity issue).

I've moved to using CTS push/push pots from crazyparts.de Much nicer on the fly tapping and I don't need to try and grab, I just bump the pot with the heel of my hand. Much nicer.