PRS Faithful
Last week, I was sure that I had broken some bones in my right hand due to a bull coming down on the back of it. It instantly turned purple and swelled up. I should have went to the hospital right then, but I'm stubborn and had a job to finish. So I went in the next day and had it x-rayed. No broken bones, which the doctor said was a miracle, just some deep bruising that will take a couple weeks to get over. My right hand is totally purple at the moment, but I can do just about whatever I want with it except get things out of my pants pocket.
The funny thing is, when it happened, I swear to you my first thought was "If my hand is broken and it gets put in a cast, will I still be able to hold a pick or play guitar?" I got lucky and didn't have to deal with this dilemma. But I started wondering about what complications that other players on the forum have had to deal with, both short term and ones that they've had their entire lives. Lets hear 'em.
The funny thing is, when it happened, I swear to you my first thought was "If my hand is broken and it gets put in a cast, will I still be able to hold a pick or play guitar?" I got lucky and didn't have to deal with this dilemma. But I started wondering about what complications that other players on the forum have had to deal with, both short term and ones that they've had their entire lives. Lets hear 'em.