Pickup suggestions for "Dimebag season 2"


New Member
Apr 26, 2012
I wussed out, but I'm going ahead with my "Evil Twin" project.

While it is mostly a "vanity" project, I'm not the kind of guy to keep a guitar for looks alone, so I'd like to hear some suggestions about what to replace the EMG's with.
I am really pleased with the covered DII neck pickup I have in my Ori SE, and I really like higher output pickups even though I'm pretty muck a clean only kind of player but....
The McTreble I put in the bridge of my Blanc CE (Thanks Mike!) has got me looking for something with less output now.

What else should I be looking at? I'd really like to go with covers for aesthetic purposes.
If you're open to something other than PRS pickups, would you consider some red bobbin DiMarzios?


Purely for looks. I've heard great things about the 36th anny humbuckers, which are a bit lower output.
I'd do the Jimmy Page thang and put an uncovered 59/09 in the bridge (Squabbins) and a covered one in the neck.

53/10 would be even better if you can find a set.
]-[ @ n $ 0 |v| a T ! ©;68422 said:
I'd do the Jimmy Page thang and put an uncovered 59/09 in the bridge (Squabbins) and a covered one in the neck.

Around these here parts we call that doing a Mark Tremonti, son LOL
If you're open to something other than PRS pickups, would you consider some red bobbin DiMarzios?


Purely for looks. I've heard great things about the 36th anny humbuckers, which are a bit lower output.

Ooh, that looks dope! do they come in Hunter/BRC green?

]-[ @ n $ 0 |v| a T ! ©;68422 said:
I'd do the Jimmy Page thang and put an uncovered 59/09 in the bridge (Squabbins) and a covered one in the neck.

53/10 would be even better if you can find a set.

See, here I thought you would've pushed Starla's on me.