Pickup Rings - PRS SE Custom 24


New Member
Jul 5, 2016
Trinidad & Tobago (Caribbean)
I need to replace my pickup rings and screws on my PRS SE Custom 24, 25th anniversary edition. Will these rings and screws - ACC-4261-B - be a direct replacement for my guitar? They are available in PRS Guitars, Parts and Accessories Store. I am asking because I see they mentioned that it fits most US-made models, and my SE is Korean made of course. Thanks in advance for the help :)
To do 1-for-1 I think you want anything labeled for 'imports' not US - metric vs. imperial...
i have put USA rings on my SE's. they fit with not issue. The screws maybe an issue since the USA one's are thinner. But the tooth pick trick works great for this.
Thanks for the replies guys. PRS Customer Service confirmed to me that the screws and holes on the SEs are bigger than that of the US-made ones, so I would have to fill and re-drill because my issue is that the screws are so badly rusted and cannot be re-used I was thinking about using the toothpick as well, but I guess it would be best if I get the correct thing first to begin with. They may try to send the appropriate SE one for me.
I hit the local hardware chain, (Home depot) with a screw to match replacements
^That will be my next option should I not be able to get the exact thing from the PRS Store. Might be a bit difficult since the screws are counter-sunk into the pickup ring, so to find a screw with the exact length and head diameter might be a bit of a challenge.
i was able to get real close. The fact that the SE screws are bigger,helped alot.