1&2. The dragon IIs handled metal well on the bridge, and neck did a decent regular and pushed clean. Overall though, definitely sounded very harsh and trebly last time I played it.
3. Blues, rock, and hard rock are what I usually gravitate towards. I do like to occasionally play more modern clean and metal tones, but definitely lean more towards vintage tones overall.
4. Just looking at PRS pickups, seems that a lot of custom 22s came with 57/08s up until the 85/15s came out. Most 22 fret PRS guitars these days seem to come with 58/15LTs (studio, special, maccarty, etc.).
5. Rosewood board, mahogany neck and body, maple cap.
Good to know! Sounds like that's been debunked then. Also sounds like 57/08 neck and 59/09 bridge is pretty much the consensus around here for a good all-rounder.
Sounds like a 57/08 neck will get nice round cleans and blues tones and a 59/09 bridge will get some good rock/hard rock/classic metal tones. I think that would fit the bill nicely.
I guess the only other thing to consider is how well they split. The TCI 85/15s I have on my 24 split really well, wondering if the older 57/08 and 59/09 pickups would do as well. Planning to get the drop-in 3-way and push-pull - can't stand the rotary...
Edit: Found
this nice comparison video between 57/08, 59/09, and Metal pickups - I think I'm almost sold on the 57/08 neck 59/09 bridge combo. I also found
this recent video of a custom 22 from 2021 with the TCI 85/15s. Might just be the way it's recorded or the set-up, but the 85/15 pickups sound just a little more modern/HiFi than I think I'd prefer.
Edit 2: Aaaand I just realized the 57/08 59/09 combo will be one covered and one uncovered pickup. That definitely wouldn't be my aesthetic preference, but I might just have to make a sacrifice for the tones.