Picking up my first PRS this weekend!!!

Joseph Berlin

New Member
Oct 3, 2019
New member here, hello hello!!! Been playing guitar since I was 11 (27 years of age now) and have somehow gone all this time without owning a PRS, which is practically a sin. On Sunday I will be picking up a mint condition (literally unplayed) 2014 Custom 24 with an aquableux 10 top quilt maple finish. I'm freaking out and can't wait to share the pictures. To make things even better, it was built with 59/09 pickups, but on the day I purchased the guitar, I found someone selling a pair of 85/15s for 250, and I snagged em within an hour of the listing going live. It was meant to be!! FREAKING OUT WITH EXCITEMENT!!!!!!!

Super glad there's a whole slew of people as hyped about this brand as myself. PRS guitars are hands down the best guitars on earth.

Now that I'm a confirmed human on the forum, I can post the pics: Feast your eyes on this beauty!!!

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Congrats on your first! Careful, these guitars have a tendency to replicate and multiply after you get your first :D Very excited for you, it's a great feeling, for sure!

Hey, congrats on your first! Sounds like a sweet guitar. Make sure you give those 59/09s a chance first. They're favorites of a lot of folks. 85/15s are great, too.

Totally agree with this....the 59/09 set is a KILLER pickup set. No doubt you'll enjoy them!

Congrats again!
Are the pics visible to anyone? Seems like they aren't displaying properly. If anyone has any advice for the new guy that would be swell .
Are the pics visible to anyone? Seems like they aren't displaying properly. If anyone has any advice for the new guy that would be swell .

Hmmm...they're not showing up for me. The way I do it is....open the image in Imgur. Right click it and select "copy image address". Then, after clicking the image icon in your forum post, paste the image address you just copied.


Gorgeous guitar!!!!
Hmmm...they're not showing up for me. The way I do it is....open the image in Imgur. Right click it and select "copy image address". Then, after clicking the image icon in your forum post, paste the image address you just copied.


Gorgeous guitar!!!!
Weird, that's exactly what I did! I'm using a work computer on an old version of windows and suspect that may be the issue. Will try again.
Congrats on your first! Careful, these guitars have a tendency to replicate and multiply after you get your first :D Very excited for you, it's a great feeling, for sure!

Totally agree with this....the 59/09 set is a KILLER pickup set. No doubt you'll enjoy them!

Congrats again!
I've played both a bunch and prefer the 85/15 for my style, but I will certainly give it a whirl before making modifications!!!
I've played both a bunch and prefer the 85/15 for my style, but I will certainly give it a whirl before making modifications!!!

Nice! Yeah, it's all about using what works for YOU!

That guitar looks incredible, by the way. The vertical grain looks sooooo cool with that flame pattern. Well done!!!