Alnus Rubra
Loving nature’s wonders
Thanks. I used the panoramic setting. It was a loooooooong train laying loooooooong rails.
Sounds like someone should have written a song
Thanks. I used the panoramic setting. It was a loooooooong train laying loooooooong rails.
@NazgulUK wow really nice work!
The Vulcan was my favourite plane as a kid, the delta wing design was something that fascinated me! I know what a geek!!
Where I grew up, we used to see A10 Tankbusters fly over all the while, practising manoeuvres and the very occasional Blackbird. (And yes Allan/Howie/Steve/Dave etc. I mean the plane!)
I would like to nominate this bird to be included at the first fret.
A Kestrel hunting at sunset
I would like to nominate this bird to be included at the first fret.
A few from the summer.
Found some new places to sit outside sipping stuff. This is Banjo Cider.
For course, there could be consequences to tasting too much
It was hot enough this summer that it was a good idea to get outside early.
I noticed this behind me about 400m into a 200km Ride to Conquer Cancer
It is delicious. They make 7 regulars and a special every couple of months.Mmm Peter I like the idea of Banjo Cider, yum!