Phase ii Locking Tuners not smooth when turning (brand new CE24)


New Member
Jul 6, 2024
Hi Everyone, I just got my first PRS (CE24) in the last few weeks and I noticed that the tuning peg for the A string doesn't turn smoothly when i'm turning the tuning peg. It almost feels like there's a clicking/pinging feeling or something slipping happening inside of the tuning peg or something because when I turn the tuning peg, there's this rough pinging feeling every once in a while. It feels like it's coming from in the tuner where the gear is, like the gear is catching while it's turning or something like that.

I tried loosening and tightening the screw for the tuning peg and it hasn't helped.

Do I need to take the whole tuner apart and clean in out or something? Or is it damaged or faulty and needing to be replaced?

Any help would be appreciated! There are a few other minor issues with the CE24 I recently got, like the neck creaking when I pick it up and move it around, and i'm hoping they're all minor fixes because I don't want to have to return it lol 😅
Are you positive it's coming from the peg and not the nut? Usually Pinging sounds are a string that's binding in a nut slot that's a shade too small, either when tuning or using the vibrato arm
Are you positive it's coming from the peg and not the nut? Usually Pinging sounds are a string that's binding in a nut slot that's a shade too small, either when tuning or using the vibrato arm
I'll check again when I get home in a little bit, but i'm pretty positive it's coming from the tuner.

I checked the nut slots by pulling the strings through back and forth through the nut slots when I first got the guitar, to see if they were catching or binding in the nut slots. Because I had gotten it set up at Sweetwater before they shipped it to me and after they did the setup for slightly bigger gauge strings, the strings are now buried in the nut slots. They're sitting so deep in the nut slots that the top of the strings are slightly lower than the top of the nut.

I'm actually worried they're cut too deep because when I pick the b string hard, I get a little bit of buzz. When I fret the 3rd fret, there's less clearance than on any of my other guitars. There's still a tiny space but I can barely get a .012 feeler under the high e string, and for the low e I can't tell if it's .016 or .014 because both feeler gauges fit in there but .014 looks like it might possibly have a super tiny amount of space between the string and the feeler gauge.

But I am pretty sure the pinging is coming from the tuners because it isn't a pinging sound, it's more of a pinging or catching feeling in the tuning peg as i'm tuning. It actually doesn't make any sound, it just causes a really rough pinging feeling from the tuning peg.

What can cause a tuner to feel rough or to catch inside of the tuner itself when turning the tuning peg? It's almost like something is dragging or something within the tuner itself.

It's hard to explain because it's a feeling and not a sound. The only thing I can compare it to is when I had a cheap nameless import as a kid the tuners were trash and all of them felt like that and had that same rough feeling like something was catching when i'd turn the tuning pegs and no matter what I did the feeling never went away. The tuners would always do that when i'd tune and they couldn't keep the guitar in tune for crap lol.

I don't think these tuners are poor quality, I actually love the quality of them! Now I'm just worried one of the tuners is broken or has an issue and i'm getting close to the end of the return window so if it's broken i'll end up having to deal with it or cover it myself haha 😅
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Are you positive it's coming from the peg and not the nut? Usually Pinging sounds are a string that's binding in a nut slot that's a shade too small, either when tuning or using the vibrato arm
Just re-checked and the rough feeling is definitely coming from the tuner and not the nut. It's more of a rough feeling when turning the peg than a sound.

I'm considering taking the tuner off and trying to make sure that the gear in the tuner isn't messed up. But I have no idea how to get into the actual tuner lol I only know how to take them off the guitar 😅
If you bought it new, exchange it for another guitar or at least file a warranty claim.
If you bought it new, exchange it for another guitar or at least file a warranty claim.
I've been considering exchanging, but the only other guitar available through Sweetwater right now that I like, is one with covered pickups. I'd want to take the covers off because I think it looks weird with the covered pickups and would look way better with uncovered pickups, but the bobbins used in the USA covered pickups aren't square bobbins like the USA uncovered pickups. It's a small aesthetic thing but I love the squared bobbins on the USA pickups and I think it visually distinguishes them from other pickups.

I've considered filing a warranty claim but i've heard the warranty thing through PRS can take quite a while to get your guitar back and I don't love the idea of that lol. And money is tight after buying the guitar so I can't cover shipping both ways at the moment. Plus, i've seen that most of the services from the PTC are quite pricey and i'd worry that anything that'd need to be done that isn't covered under warranty would be a hefty charge that I don't currently have the funds to cover unfortunately.

This whole thing sucks because I waited a long time for Sweetwater to get some CE24's with the black headstocks that I liked (i'm not visually into the natural headstocks or the dark headstocks with the maple fretboard like the Dusty Waring models).

I'd be exchanging for another guitar that i'd be compromising for aesthetically and losing out on what I felt like was a gem visually, and it sounds great. They don't get many overall dark looking CE24's with the black headstocks through Sweetwater and my financing is through them so I don't have another option as far as where to buy. So I feel like i'd be waiting a long time again for another one to pop up that I love as much as this one.

But on the other hand, i've worked towards getting this guitar for a long time now and i'm not stoked on some of the minor issues it arrived with. I figured I was being picky but I can't help but wish it was perfect out of the box.

But part of me feels like if these are all minor issues that are easy fixes, then i'll be losing out on a great guitar if i'm actually being picky lol. And if these issues are easy fixes, maybe I can fix them on my own and possibly get a discount on the guitar since it arrived with so many issues, which would be a win-win!!

I'm not sure which route to take but all I know is I love the guitar so far and I don't want to lose it lol😅
I just tried loosening and then re-tightening the tuning peg screw while the string wasn't under tension and I also tried to fully take off the tuner but it wouldn't come out lol.

Even after taking off the black string lock thing on top, and the washer holding the tuner in the headstock, there wasn't anything holding the tuner in anymore and I couldn't get it out still lol. There are no screws for the tuners on the back of the headstock like with most tuners, so I was baffled that the tuner wouldn't come out haha. I didn't want to be too rough with the guitar and I gave up so I just put everything back on and re-tightened everything.

After doing all that, the tuner isn't as rough or bumpy when I turn it as it was before, but there are still a few dragging or bumpy areas when turning the tuning peg unfortunately.

If anyone can advise on how to get into the tuner so I can make sure there's no debris or anything messed up internally in the tuner, i'd really appreciate it!

I'm at a loss on this one now lol.
I'm inclined to offer a different perspective at this point - maybe just don't sweat it, and enjoy the guitar? Don't get me wrong, it would definitely annoy me to hear/feel this every time I was tuning the string, but realistically, if it's *holding* tuning properly, doesn't affect playing and you're happy with everything else about the guitar maybe just accept it as is?
Perhaps over time whatever's gunking it up will work itself out, or you'll just get used to it and not really notice it. You could always order a new set of tuners but that seems like a lot to fix just one funky one.
Again, disappointing that a new, premium guitar would come with any issues, but big picture it's a pretty minor one (IMO). And returning it for a replacement means rolling the dice that you'll like the new one as much - could easily end up regretting a swap
I've been considering exchanging, but the only other guitar available through Sweetwater right now that I like, is one with covered pickups. I'd want to take the covers off because I think it looks weird with the covered pickups and would look way better with uncovered pickups, but the bobbins used in the USA covered pickups aren't square bobbins like the USA uncovered pickups. It's a small aesthetic thing but I love the squared bobbins on the USA pickups and I think it visually distinguishes them from other pickups.

I've considered filing a warranty claim but i've heard the warranty thing through PRS can take quite a while to get your guitar back and I don't love the idea of that lol. And money is tight after buying the guitar so I can't cover shipping both ways at the moment. Plus, i've seen that most of the services from the PTC are quite pricey and i'd worry that anything that'd need to be done that isn't covered under warranty would be a hefty charge that I don't currently have the funds to cover unfortunately.

This whole thing sucks because I waited a long time for Sweetwater to get some CE24's with the black headstocks that I liked (i'm not visually into the natural headstocks or the dark headstocks with the maple fretboard like the Dusty Waring models).

I'd be exchanging for another guitar that i'd be compromising for aesthetically and losing out on what I felt like was a gem visually, and it sounds great. They don't get many overall dark looking CE24's with the black headstocks through Sweetwater and my financing is through them so I don't have another option as far as where to buy. So I feel like i'd be waiting a long time again for another one to pop up that I love as much as this one.

But on the other hand, i've worked towards getting this guitar for a long time now and i'm not stoked on some of the minor issues it arrived with. I figured I was being picky but I can't help but wish it was perfect out of the box.

But part of me feels like if these are all minor issues that are easy fixes, then i'll be losing out on a great guitar if i'm actually being picky lol. And if these issues are easy fixes, maybe I can fix them on my own and possibly get a discount on the guitar since it arrived with so many issues, which would be a win-win!!

I'm not sure which route to take but all I know is I love the guitar so far and I don't want to lose it lol😅
It would be cheaper for everyone if PRS just sent a replacement tuner than to deal with shipping the guitar. With any luck, that would be the approach.

I just tried loosening and then re-tightening the tuning peg screw while the string wasn't under tension and I also tried to fully take off the tuner but it wouldn't come out lol.

Even after taking off the black string lock thing on top, and the washer holding the tuner in the headstock, there wasn't anything holding the tuner in anymore and I couldn't get it out still lol. There are no screws for the tuners on the back of the headstock like with most tuners, so I was baffled that the tuner wouldn't come out haha. I didn't want to be too rough with the guitar and I gave up so I just put everything back on and re-tightened everything.

After doing all that, the tuner isn't as rough or bumpy when I turn it as it was before, but there are still a few dragging or bumpy areas when turning the tuning peg unfortunately.

If anyone can advise on how to get into the tuner so I can make sure there's no debris or anything messed up internally in the tuner, i'd really appreciate it!

I'm at a loss on this one now lol.
If you removed all the screws attaching it to the headstock, it may be slightly stuck to the finish. Sometimes you have to give them a slight push to get it to come off.
It would be cheaper for everyone if PRS just sent a replacement tuner than to deal with shipping the guitar. With any luck, that would be the approach.

If you removed all the screws attaching it to the headstock, it may be slightly stuck to the finish. Sometimes you have to give them a slight push to get it to come off.
Sending replacement tuners would be awesome because on top of one being really scratchy and rough, the high e tuning peg has some play back and forth before it starts to do anything and it's odd because none of the other tuners do that lol.

Sending replacement tuners would save them shipping costs both ways unless they make the customer pay that lol. I'd hope they wouldn't though😂

And about the tuners, do I need to be worried about the tuners cracking the finish or anything if I try to get them out and they're stuck on the finish?

And after taking them off completely, how would I go about opening it up to check that the gears and internals of the tuner aren't messed up or anything?

The headstock on my CE24 has a black nitro satin finish so hopefully that would make it less prone to cracking. But I'm not sure haha.
I'm inclined to offer a different perspective at this point - maybe just don't sweat it, and enjoy the guitar? Don't get me wrong, it would definitely annoy me to hear/feel this every time I was tuning the string, but realistically, if it's *holding* tuning properly, doesn't affect playing and you're happy with everything else about the guitar maybe just accept it as is?
Perhaps over time whatever's gunking it up will work itself out, or you'll just get used to it and not really notice it. You could always order a new set of tuners but that seems like a lot to fix just one funky one.
Again, disappointing that a new, premium guitar would come with any issues, but big picture it's a pretty minor one (IMO). And returning it for a replacement means rolling the dice that you'll like the new one as much - could easily end up regretting a swap
I'd totally agree if it was just the tuner.

Unfortunately the guitar came with a few issues.

There's a flaw in the finish on the side of the guitar and I can see it when I look down at the guitar.

One tuner is rough when turning and another one has play up and down before it does anything, and none of the other tuners have that.

The neck was creaking like crazy from the neck joint. I think I might have fixed that though.

And the nut slots were cut way too deep and low when Sweetwater set up the guitar for a thicker gauge string set, so now there's a ton of buzzing up and down the fretboard unless I adjust the action a little above PRS spec. Which is pretty high action in my opinion.

I was hoping to be able to fix the issues though, because I waited a long time for Sweetwater to get any dark looking CE24s with black headstocks and there aren't any other guitars I'm crazy about in stock at the moment. So I'd be returning it and waiting a long time for some special Sweetwater exclusive CE24s to get in stock.

I talked to my Sweetwater Rep today about all the issues and they're most likely going to cover the entire cost of taking the guitar to a local luthier or guitar tech and having everything fixed and parts replaced as needed (most likely the tuners).

I'm hoping that'll save the guitar. But on the other hand, I don't want to end up doing that and being stuck with it if I get it back and it still has the same issues. Granted, I doubt any reputable luthier would give it back in worse condition than they got it lol
I'd totally agree if it was just the tuner.

Unfortunately the guitar came with a few issues.

There's a flaw in the finish on the side of the guitar and I can see it when I look down at the guitar.

One tuner is rough when turning and another one has play up and down before it does anything, and none of the other tuners have that.

The neck was creaking like crazy from the neck joint. I think I might have fixed that though.

And the nut slots were cut way too deep and low when Sweetwater set up the guitar for a thicker gauge string set, so now there's a ton of buzzing up and down the fretboard unless I adjust the action a little above PRS spec. Which is pretty high action in my opinion.

I was hoping to be able to fix the issues though, because I waited a long time for Sweetwater to get any dark looking CE24s with black headstocks and there aren't any other guitars I'm crazy about in stock at the moment. So I'd be returning it and waiting a long time for some special Sweetwater exclusive CE24s to get in stock.

I talked to my Sweetwater Rep today about all the issues and they're most likely going to cover the entire cost of taking the guitar to a local luthier or guitar tech and having everything fixed and parts replaced as needed (most likely the tuners).

I'm hoping that'll save the guitar. But on the other hand, I don't want to end up doing that and being stuck with it if I get it back and it still has the same issues. Granted, I doubt any reputable luthier would give it back in worse condition than they got it lol
If you're getting some repairs done, I'd definitely have them install a new nut too, to correct what you mentioned above
Out of these two threads I’ve gotta say I wish you the best but I’d have returned this guitar for sure, it’s not chump change and not something you should have to live with or fix yourself. SW should be shouldering the responsibility and I’ve not heard the “fix it yourself and we’ll cover the cost” approach before.
Out of these two threads I’ve gotta say I wish you the best but I’d have returned this guitar for sure, it’s not chump change and not something you should have to live with or fix yourself. SW should be shouldering the responsibility and I’ve not heard the “fix it yourself and we’ll cover the cost” approach before.
Thank you brother I appreciate the well wishes! And I can't help but agree. I definitely have strongly considered returning the guitar.

I'm currently waiting to find out if Sweetwater will cover all of the parts and repairs at a local Luthier.

I think I'd rather bring it to a local Luthier that's worked on PRS guitars rather than ship it back and have Sweetwater fix it because one of their luthiers from their guitar workshop sent the guitar out to me in this condition and I'd worry it'd get more beat up and possibly arrive with another badly cut nut or something lol.

If they're not willing to I'm just going to return the guitar for sure. There's no way I'm going to live with or deal with the issues myself at the price I paid for the guitar 😂

I'm hoping they'll even take off some of the price I paid since it came with so many issues and a little ding on the edge of the guitar from when the Sweetwater guitar workshop did the setup.

The only issue with returning it is that I waited a long time for Sweetwater to get any CE24s with black headstocks. And the other ones up right now don't appeal to me visually for a guitar to personally own. So I think I'd be waiting a long while again for another dark looking CE24 with a black headstock lol. And my financing at the moment is through Sweetwater and I've worked out my situation to go through that financing and have already paid a big chunk off so it'd be a huge hassle to return because it's financed and a big chunk is paid already.

But I definitely don't wanna be stuck with it if Sweetwater won't cover parts and repairs so I'll have to return it if they don't.

And then there's the issue of other brand parts versus PRS factory parts because I'd want to stick with PRS parts. Idk if a Graph tech nut or other locking tuners would be as good as the PRS equivalents.

But I'm crossing my fingers it'll all work out 🤞🏼
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Return The Guitar And Start Fresh. End Of Story.
It's a strong possibility right now.

If Sweetwater covers parts and repairs and I can get PRS replacement parts, then I think I might give that a shot because returning it and waiting for Sweetwater to get another dark looking CE24 with a black headstock could take a really long time lol.

But I'm willing to wait for a better guitar instead of be stuck with a dud guitar lol 😂
It's a strong possibility right now.

If Sweetwater covers parts and repairs and I can get PRS replacement parts, then I think I might give that a shot because returning it and waiting for Sweetwater to get another dark looking CE24 with a black headstock could take a really long time lol.

But I'm willing to wait for a better guitar instead of be stuck with a dud guitar lol 😂
Other Places Sell PRS Guitars. To Me It Sounds Like A Lot Of Effort And Hoops To Jump Through When You Could Just Start Over Fresh And Be Playing Guitar Instead Of What You Are Doing. YMMV, My $.02 And All That.
Other Places Sell PRS Guitars. To Me It Sounds Like A Lot Of Effort And Hoops To Jump Through When You Could Just Start Over Fresh And Be Playing Guitar Instead Of What You Are Doing. YMMV, My $.02 And All That.
I don't wanna dig too much into my financial situation but, i'm financing through Sweetwater and already paid off a big chunk so it's be a huge hassle of a return. I wouldn't be able to get it through anywhere else due to my financials. I set up my finances to get it through financing with Sweetwater and then waited a long time for this one to pop up.

If I just had the cash outright, I'd probably buy a mint condition used one or something 😁 lol that'd be the best option if I was able to.
I don't wanna dig too much into my financial situation but, i'm financing through Sweetwater and already paid off a big chunk so it's be a huge hassle of a return. I wouldn't be able to get it through anywhere else due to my financials. I set up my finances to get it through financing with Sweetwater and then waited a long time for this one to pop up.

If I just had the cash outright, I'd probably buy a mint condition used one or something 😁 lol that'd be the best option if I was able to.
I Hear Ya Man...I Was Just Making A Blanket Statement. Financials Always Matter And Of Course You Have To Work Within The Parameters That You Have. Bummer That It Seems To Be Such A Tough Situation. Buying A Guitar Should Fun And Pain Free And It Seems Like This Situation Is Everything But That. I Hope You Get It Sorted And Can End Up Being CompletelY Satisfied With Everything. :)