People should stop obsessing about guitars being made in USA

Take a look at how PRS-ized the SEs have become. It wouldn’t surprise me to see some Bolt-On or S2 guitars start to be made overseas. Or more specifically, overseas models will continue to move up in price-points and features/design until they supplant those lines.
In a few years there won’t be a difference in quality. Have you picked up a Schecter or ESP lately?
I prefer a guitar made in America, BUT, that doesn’t mean something made in America is always great, and it doesn’t mean something made overseas is always bad. I’ve seen some real poor examples of Fender usa and Gibson’s out there, with just terrible QC, and I’ve seen, and owned, some really fine examples of guitars made in Korea from the 90’s and early 2000’s.
I prefer my guitars be made in America. I like to keep our people working and able to pay their bills.
You still buying new? I've noticed, the strategy around here is to buy used U.S. Makes a lot of arguments for or against, moot, IMO.
Buying from fellow musicians, especially broke ones, helps our little bubble.. or is that feeding our addictions? Either way, I have the goal of one in one out after this purge and buying my used gear sure helps my economy.. no out, then there's no in..

Jason will probably chime in, but he's in the middle of specing a PS
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You still buying new? I've noticed, the strategy around here is to buy used U.S. Makes a lot of arguments for or against, moot, IMO.
As SinSir mentioned, Jason is getting a PS built. He just had his trip to the vault to pick out the woods and tour factory on Dec 4th. You can read about his build here! So yes, he is buying new, and the best you can get to his specs (within' PS rules)!
As SinSir mentioned, Jason is getting a PS built. He just had his trip to the vault to pick out the woods and tour factory on Dec 4th. You can read about his build here! So yes, he is buying new, and the best you can get to his specs (within' PS rules)!
Now I remember his initial posts about it... but haven't seen any updates. I'm guessing you guys are somewhat tight?
Now I remember his initial posts about it... but haven't seen any updates. I'm guessing you guys are somewhat tight?
If you look at that thread I linked, you will see his last post was on Saturday! As for us being tight, we have communicated outside the forum, but nothing more than that, I am just up to speed based on what he has posted on this forum ;~)) The only reason I even chimed in was because he has been more rare around these parts the past few months!!
You still buying new? I've noticed, the strategy around here is to buy used U.S. Makes a lot of arguments for or against, moot, IMO.
Yes. As others have mentioned I am doing a PS build. The last guitar I bought before the PS process started is a PRS Studio that I bought new last year in November. I do buy the occasional used guitar but I tend to buy mine new. I am usually looking for some specific specs and finishes.
I think it depends on the countries work culture that you buy from. Japan is known for their craftsmanship and dedication to their craft. There is a certain level of love and care that is put into an instrument and you definitely feel that when you play the instrument. I would consider Japanese made instruments similar in feel to USA made instruments. I would argue that the people working at the PRS Maryland factory are there because they have a passion and love for the instruments that they build and that translates into the sound of the instrument. Its not necessarily just "a job" to them like it would be for someone working in a factory overseas in say Korea or China. When I pick up one of my USA made guitars, there is a certain level of mojo and warmth that you can just feel when playing the instrument. Like a good hand shake with an old friend. When I pick up a guitar made from Korea or China it just feels like a toy. Very sterile and plastic feeling. I prefer to support USA companies whenever possible.
I think it depends on the countries work culture that you buy from. Japan is known for their craftsmanship and dedication to their craft. There is a certain level of love and care that is put into an instrument and you definitely feel that when you play the instrument. I would consider Japanese made instruments similar in feel to USA made instruments. I would argue that the people working at the PRS Maryland factory are there because they have a passion and love for the instruments that they build and that translates into the sound of the instrument. Its not necessarily just "a job" to them like it would be for someone working in a factory overseas in say Korea or China. When I pick up one of my USA made guitars, there is a certain level of mojo and warmth that you can just feel when playing the instrument. Like a good hand shake with an old friend. When I pick up a guitar made from Korea or China it just feels like a toy. Very sterile and plastic feeling. I prefer to support USA companies whenever possible.
Much respect for the Matzumoku factory! Have you seen the prices for vintage Aria Pro and Vantage guitars lately?
You still buying new? I've noticed, the strategy around here is to buy used U.S. Makes a lot of arguments for or against, moot, IMO.

Putting my economist/marketing hat on for a moment: anyone supporting a "pre-owned" marketplace for a given product is, de facto, supporting the market for new guitars. There's a mutually supportive aspect to new and used marketplaces, especially when it comes to discretionary purchases: brand recognition, loyalty, reinforced perceptions of quality and durability, and pride of ownership. All these are factored in.

If a guitar or amp also continues to hold a decent percentage of its value because there's access to a used market with reasonable liquidity, it makes any new purchase less of a value-destroying proposition.

Meanwhile, my own two favorite PRS guitars were both bought new.
My humble opinion is Paul is kinda right. I don't obsess about out of country quality but out of country jobs. Let's face it the only reason MFGs source out of country is cost. Sure the quality of, (let us compare PRSs), SE's are good if not awesome as are guitars made in Maryland, but MUCH cheaper. Pay an American worker whatever, (say 30.00 an hours, (Plus benefits), vs a Chinese worker making $30.00 a year. (with no bennies). I have no idea what pay scale both employees make. Just saying it is much more expensive to pay an American worker.
Again just my humble opinion, (which is useless).
Little bit on the fence on this one. The ONLY USA Fender I’ve owned was a dog! Just could not get it to play the way I’ve wanted it to, and in the end I sold it for parts. The neck had developed a twist, and the frets all needed work.

By contrast I’ve had much luck with Mexican fenders, all of which have been good, albeit requiring some work. The Chinese Squiers are also good, but again needing some fret work and the electronics can be hit and miss.

All my SE’s have been excellent though, but the SE Silver Sky I bought recently HAS needed a few frets knocking down and in one or two cases a light crown. Electrics are great though, and tuners are fine.

By far and away the best two guitars I’ve owned have been the Core CU24 - I had a ‘97 and a ‘04. Both were bought second hand though, so it’s hard to say if any work was done on them before I got them. Hard to imagine they’d have needed much though.
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I prefer my guitars be made in America. I like to keep our people working and able to pay their bills.
US shop owners and staff selling guitars from overseas also work. Not trying to be controversial here though as I understand your desire to keep it domestic.