paul reed smith personally fixed my Custom 24

WTF was Mr. PRS doing in a Guitar Center?? Was it for one of those "Undercover Boss" shows? .

Lenny and some of the other PTC guys were at my GC in Greensboro for a tech workshop a year or so back. They offered free PRS set ups to the first 20 or so PRSi that came through the door. Maybe it was one of those kinds of promotions.
Uh, Hi Mr. Smith - my guitar is great, but needs new's a work bench, plyers, and some coffee....
Awesome story!!

When he was at Chicago Music Exchange signing stuff for people, I saw him go get sandpaper to sand out a ding on the back of someone's rosewood neck, and I think some other tweak to another guy's guitar.

Thanks how it's done. !!

sorry for posting a non exclusive PRS guitar pic.. but here she is with her siblings..

That's one hot line up of classics you got there. Very very cool NGD story! Thanks for sharing and enjoy your new "PRSh repaired CU24" !!! :top:
I was at that meet and greet. It was awesome. A guy brought in a CE24 and Paul looked at it and said "this has been refretted. Nice work who did this?" The guy said someone in SF. Paul whipped out his phone, called the repair dude, and said "nice work on this CE, let's have dinner." He already had the guy on speed dial.
One of the things this story highlights is that Paul is not just some spokesperson that doesn't know what he's talking about.

He signed my Mira in Houston and when I asked him how to preserve the signature, he told me not to bother. If it comes off, send it to Maryland and he'll sign it again.

Besides the fact that the man is obviously hugely competent, I really like the fact that he understands clearly that he needs to work hard to earn your money.
I was at that meet and greet. It was awesome. A guy brought in a CE24 and Paul looked at it and said "this has been refretted. Nice work who did this?" The guy said someone in SF. Paul whipped out his phone, called the repair dude, and said "nice work on this CE, let's have dinner." He already had the guy on speed dial.

were you at GC emeryville? anyways was it gary brawer he talked to?
Great thread, I'm just getting caught up with for forum posts.

I love the fact that "he" thanked you for the purchase.

and he knew it was a "used" item..he wanted me to take it home..i just stood there watched him fix this guitar, which i would never have bought because of the effed up electronics.he he..i can tell the guys/sales people would have increased the price after that ha ha!