Pattern vs. Wide Fat – Can You Tell the Difference?


New Member
Nov 11, 2017
I’ve often read that many people struggle to tell the difference between the Pattern and Wide Fat neck profiles, which I honestly find puzzling.

For reference, I have a 2018 (or maybe 2017—not entirely sure) SE SC-245 with a Wide Fat neck, as well as a PS Paul’s Guitar with a Pattern neck. To me, the two necks feel noticeably different. The Pattern neck seems to have a soft V-like feel, while the Wide Fat feels fuller overall.

When I switch from the Wide Fat to the Pattern, it’s as though there’s “meat” missing, particularly in the shoulder area of the neck. I’m not sure if that’s the best way to describe it, but the difference feels very obvious to me.

I’m curious—have others experienced this as well? Or is the general consensus that these neck profiles are hard to distinguish?
I can feel it as well OP...the pattern feels not as round to me?? I think the nut width is a miniscule smaller as well...I happen to get along with all the PRS necks and patten regular being my favorite found on the S2 22s...
It would not surprise me if the wide fat on an SE feels different from a Pattern from a Pauls guitar.
The original "pattern" name ( to all neck shape ) was meant be a more consistent neck size.
I have both Core Wide Fat and Pattern , I can't feel the difference , The Pattern Regular is 1/32" more narrow at the nut and a bit rounder feeling
Pattern feels ever so slightly leaner to me as well, can't put my finger on it exactly.

Or maybe I should say that's all I can do.
I like both but prefer the wide fat, as it's rounder and a bit 'meatier” in the shoulder area of the neck!
I have both Wide Fat and Pattern and I can't really tell a difference. My WF necks are from back in the mid 2000's. There is variation between the WF necks I have. I have a couple that are a little chunkier than others. I don't find as much variation in the Pattern profile. I also have a couple of Pattern Regular profiles. Those definitely feel different. The nut width is the thing I notice the most, then it is a little thinner is what I notice next.
The WF difference is more to do with se and the individual neck than the profile names.