Pattern Regular neck shape


New Member
Jun 16, 2012
I have an H2 (wide-fat) and a 2008 DGT (DGT neck carve) and was thinking about the 305 (Pattern Regular), which I don't have an opportunity to try at this moment. Anyone have a point of comparison? Thanks!
To me, it feels in between. The pattern regular definitely feels a little smaller than the wide-fat, but it feels wider than the DGT. I occasionally find myself bending strings off the neck of the DGT...that doesn't happen with the WF, Pattern, or Pattern Regular. The DGT neck feels deeper (front-to-back, not side-to-side) and also has a very subtle V-shape...well, at least my 2009 DGT does.

My preference of all PRS necks is the Pattern carve that was used on the Signature Limited...that feels like a WF with slightly rounded shoulders. The pattern regular is similar, but just a little shallower (front-to-back).

I suppose there is some individual variation due to hand sanding, but the 2 guitars I have with pattern regular (XPRS Artist Package P22 and a 513) feel very similar in shape, even though they are different woods and finishes.
The Pattern carve doesn't have enough shoulder (imo) and I think it's misleading to call it an updated wide fat carve. If I had known I would have ordered my new HBII with a classic wide-fat carve (if it was possible). I have bigger than average hands and find fuller carves more comfortable. Even my wide-thin Cust24 has more shoulder.
from what I have read off the PRS site the Pattern IS the wide fat carve. the Pattern regular is based off an 80s carve which is the same depth as the wide fat but just a tad narrower( Paul says about the width of an A string) at the nut. so if a person wants what was reffered to as the wide fat it is now called a PATTERN neck. I have a P22 Pattern Regular and my boy has a SE245 ( wide fat) I would say from what Paul said was correct. the depth is pretty much the same but the regular neck is a tad narrower.
Having basketball-palming-sized hands, I also initially had trouble with bending the high E off of my DGT fretboard too. The WF on the H2 feels about perfect; I was curious how much "meat" was on the Pattern. I used to have a Fender EJ Strat, and the neck on that felt really nice (being bigger than a typical Strat). I wonder how much slimmer the Patterns are, as I like the ease of string bending on a bigger neck. here are the dimensions from the PRS site. NOW it does show the new name and old name together. for instance the Wide Fat = Pattern the Wide Thin = Pattern thin, the regular= Pattern regular the dimensions of the Pattern( old wide fat) and the Pattern regular( old regular) are the same except for the width at the nut on the pattern regular being 1/32" narrower.
Wide Fat is not the same as Pattern (it's "updated"). Depth and width are the same, shape/shoulder is not the same.
Wide Fat is not the same as Pattern (it's "updated"). Depth and width are the same, shape/shoulder is not the same.

well that could be but if you wants the wide fat now it comes as the pattern neck. it would have to be a special order and not sure they would do it now or not.