P22 - mahogany or rosewood


New Member
Jun 19, 2012
Hi All,

I've owned a number of guitars with both mahogany and rosewood necks. From a Custom 24 to a MM Albert Lee and I like the feel of them. I like the sound as well but in the custom 24 I preferred the smoothness of the mahogany neck. All of my current PRS guitars have mahogany necks and I like them. That being said, I'm looking to get a P22. I realize this is all personal preference but given I'm not in a location where I can try before I buy, I really have to do my research up front.

What's your preference on a p22 - mahogany or rosewood? I want a great acoustic tone and of course a great PRS electric tone. I'm going for the newer '13 or later models because I want 57/08 pickups instead of 53/10. I'd like the additional top end of the 57/08s and I think uncovered they'll be fantastic.

So what say ye... rosewood neck or mahogany?
